Trapped up - please just back up!

Good Morning Love,

Job 23:10:"But He knows the way I take; When He has tried me, I shall come forth as gold.

I know what it feels like to suffer. I know the pain and sweat of going through a difficult season. I can relate to trials being so overwhelming that questions of moving forward or wondering if it's worth it, consumes the mind. God is FAITHFUL! He sees and knows the way you take. Do not faint. Do not grow weary. YOU will come forth as gold! God is with you.

Trapped up- so just back up!

I can’t breathe

I’m out of breath, it feels like I’ve been running for an eternity

Calling on God pleading, begging please

Every time I move forward the Devil got something else up his sleeve

I see the light. I see the light but, right now it’s just a tease

His grip so tight please allow him to loosen his squeeze

From around my neck- exchange this yoke for yours

Everyday growing weaker- my soul being pierced by his claws

In my weakness you are made perfect so why do I feel so flawed

I was once vibrant, beautiful, anointed and adored

Where is your presence?  My world it feels so dark

My Lord, what did I do- can we have a heart to heart?

I don’t want to give up but I’m so tired; I can’t go on

I don’t want to give up but I’m so tired; the same ol’ song

I don’t want to give up but I’m so tired; tired of this fight

I don’t want to give up but I’m so tired; tired of walking by faith and not by sight

They depend on me; expecting me to have the answers

They’ve heard that the prayers of the righteous avails much

But they can’t see the devil’s strong gripping clutch

Both arms tied behind my back, tears cloud my availability to see

Can’t believe that the Deliver has forgotten to deliver me!

Won’t get a breakthrough even if I tried

Forget about the narrow gate heading for the one that is wide…

Don’t Judge me!  The demons I fight are not yours to battle

How dare you speak against me with such babble?

Trapped up, jacked up, feels like I’m strapped up

Cracked up, smacked up, everyone just back up

No more

I can’t endure

any more

I’m Trapped up – jacked up- Please just back up

That’s enough I said.  That’s enough in my cup

Trying to keep my composure, my flesh is boiling; ready to act up

You see, they after me…they trying to get me….my head on a platter is their mission

There was a point when I fought back but now I’m out of ammunition

God I can’t hear you, what are you saying?

God I can’t feel you, you left me for sure

What am I to do when I can’t endure any more?

A faithful servant, that’s who I was trying to be

If I abide in you, you said your word shall abide in me

To give me the desires of my heart was that so hard?

At the end of the deck, nothing left to do; played my last card

Don’t Judge me!  The demons I fight are not yours to battle

How dare you speak against me with such babble?

Trapped up, jacked up, feels like I’m strapped up

Cracked up, smacked up, everyone just back up

No more

I can’t endure

any more

I’m Trapped up – jacked up- Please just back up

But it is you who has prepared a table before me

in the very presence of my enemies;

You have anointed my head with oil; my cup overflows.

I see your Glory; I am the one you chose

I’m hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted,
but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed

Through suffering, my body continues to share in the death of Jesus Christ

For my life and my soul he has paid the highest price

Living under constant danger of death because of who I serve

Darkness has taken over but the King of Kings has reserved

My spot, my name, it is written in the lamb’s book of life

I must press on; won’t give in-can’t end up like Lot’s wife.

I made a vow that I would do your will

And even though the enemy has come to devour and to steal

The Joy of the Lord is my strength

Praises on my tongue, troubles at arm’s length

Your super natural has mixed with my natural - I can go on

I have been made new, whole; spiritually reborn

Is there anything too hard for you, the God of all flesh?

You answer, “Come to me those that are weary and I shall give you rest.”

Let me not be weary in well doing: in due season I shall reap, if I faint not.

In all afflictions, my eyes are forever toward the Lord-come too far to stay in this spot.

One's pride will bring him low, but he who is lowly in spirit will obtain honor.

Hardships bring discipline – suffer for righteousness sake, at the will of my Father.

Enjoy your day.
Baya...that Godly Diva

Take a chill pill, YOU are forgiven!

Good Morning Love,

You know what I love most about God? His forgiveness! There is nothing that we can do that will ever cause him to take his love away from us. How amazing is that! When we repent, that is it-He remembers them NO MORE. Isaiah 43:25 NLT: "I--yes, I alone--will blot out your sins for my own sake and will never think of them again.

Do you know who reminds God our of sins? WE DO! We bring them back up because we haven't forgiven ourselves. When we do this, I believe God looks at us and shakes his head. This great love that he has for us, some of us just don't understand it.

Roms.8:39 KJV:Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Okay, you messed up. While man is judging you, you have to  learn to tune them out and remember who and what really matters.

Roms. 5:8KJV: But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

When you live for God; when you study his word and apply it to your life - He sees that! God knows that some things you will be able to go cold turkey on and others may take you days, months, even years to get it right. My experienced is, God honors our ambition to get it right.

Roms. 5:16 NLT:And the result of God's gracious gift is very different from the result of that one man's sin. For Adam's sin led to condemnation, but God's free gift leads to our being made right with God, even though we are guilty of many sins.

Roms.8:1 KJV:There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.

Condemnation: the act of judgement or to pronounce to be unfit for use or service.
Conviction: the state of being convinced. 

Example: Something we all have done...Called into work and said, "Cough, cough-I can't make it in today. (raspy voice) I'm not feeling good. I'm feeling sick." You lied! Off with your head! You really needed the day off because your car was making a weird noise the day before. You have to get it fixed before it gets worse. It's Tuesday and you don't think it's wise to wait for the weekend.  After the call you are feeling bad because you know it wasn't right to lie but, you felt as if you had no other choice. You call up a one of your christian friends and they go in for the kill, accusing you, rebuking you, and you are left feeling condemned. Your head is hung low for the remainder of the day. You doubt your love for God.

I can't understand why people always want to condemn others (nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God). Yes we are called to correct, but what ever happened to, with love? Condemnation is not God. Using the actual definition of the word, do you think that just because you told a lie you are now considered unfit for use? Conviction is God. Using the actual definition of this word; I am convinced that the Word is true. I am convinced of his love for me. Sin does not determine who who are. The reality is that WE ARE ALL SINNERS!

I remember when I got pregnant with my first son. I had gone like 3 years without having sex, in tune with the word and saving myself for marriage. I messed up, had a very weak moment and in that one time, I conceived. I beat myself up so bad. I battled with unnecessary condemnation. I was not fornicating on a regular basis and even after I didn't start. God is saying to us, "When you are walking with me, when you are trying to get it right, I'm not declaring you guilty because of one mistake. I know your heart and I know you love me. I realise that you are trying and I understand how you made that mistake. I am with you. Let me (Holy Spirit) teach you how to get it right." God's love bring conviction. It gives the opportunity to become more like Christ.

Conviction=Christ / Condemnation=Devil (opposites)

Condemnation would have driven me to a possible abortion. Conviction drove me to a deeper reliance on God. My faith reminded both him and myself, that I walk not after the flesh but after the spirit and God honors that. 

If you have found yourself in a situation of 'messing up' - Take a chill pill! God forgives you!
Show God that you mean business! Show him that you accept and appreciate his forgiveness by not doing it again.

If you are in a place where you are messing up in the same area repeatedly then you have to come to truth with whether you are walking after the spirit or after the flesh. Remember, conviction brings change.

Have a great day!
Baya...that Godly Diva


Satan was my buddy

Good Morning Love,

Gen.3:3 NIV: Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God really say,..."

Mmmhmm, it sound just like him. Always coming with his lies and putting doubts in our minds about God's love. If you did not already know, it is true- Satan use to be my buddy.

(I will get pretty personal in this blog. It is not always easy putting my business out there but, if it will give God glory and help someone understand God's love, then so be it.)

I use to be a liar. I was a cheater. I had an abortion. I had unmarried sex with multiple partners, my mouth was disgusting;I cussed without thought. I use to get high, I loved attention, being sexy, and was very seductive. I loved alcohol, wild parties, and was very manipulative. I had flashy cars, lots of money, and I was a show off with my plentiful material possessions. I had no problem taking another woman's man because it was done to me. I had no problem pulling out a weapon and using it, if you said the wrong thing to me. I always had a high paying job;supporting my habits. I did evil things and said wicked things. I was argumentative and a fighter. I used my pretty face to make men do what I wanted them to do:pay my rent, take me out, buys me things, pay my car note...whatever. Men were stupid dogs to me; my dad did my mother wrong and the man who I gave my heart to, did the same to me. Drama destroyed my friendships and pride destroyed my family relationships. All of this eventually ended with me living in a state of brokenness. My life was so miserable, I was suicidal. The Devil gave me all the desires I wanted from the world. He used me to bring others to him. He was playing me like a sucker but, I always followed his lead. My mind was gone from the games, lies, and drugs. I had no respect for myself or anybody else. I walked around as if I ruled the world, yet I was dead on the inside. After all that I had-all that I had accomplished (where I come from, just because I owned a car, had my own place and a good job-that was the ultimate come-up) I was lost. Satan, took good care of me. He gave me all the things I thought would make me happy. He got me right where he wanted me to be; totally depending on him. He planned it that way. In my most vulnerable state he went in for the kill! My life had become so depressing. Day after day I would smoke weed, pop pills and drink hard liquor (Hennessey). I had become very malnourished and I'm not just referring to my body but, my mind as well. My life was a blur; a constant hang out. I became physiologically disturbed. My days consisted of going to the studio then the club. I was on the verge of becoming a star and I was willing to do anything to get to the top. I had even stop singing and started rapping. It went along with my bad girl life style. (I have a tattoo that says,'bad girl' in Chinese letters. It could mean pork fried rice for all I know! Just dumb. Amen) I was soooo hard, sooo tough. (I was a actress starring in my buddy Satan's show!) In all of this there was one thing that stayed the same; my empty home. The man I loved had left me for a dancer (I'm being nice. amen), I had packed my daughter's stuff and told her father to take care of her since it was him who wanted a child. (I got pregnant when I was 18, just a baby)- so she too, was gone. It was on those lonely nights...the devil had me right where he wanted me.  Satan would tell me that I was nothing. He reminded me that I came from nothing. He said I was like my mother; a druggie. He said I was fatherless. I was another statistic, a young dumb baby mama. I was a slut; not fit to be a wife. I was the scum of the earth and (at the time) so was my daughter-who would also end up just like her useless mother (me). He had filled me up with so many lies. More liquor, more pills please. John 8:44: You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desires...he is a liar and the father of lies.

I had gotten very sick. It started with an urinary track infection then kidney infection then kidney issues and eventually problems with my liver. I remember being in the hospital for maybe 2 1/2 weeks. I was like 22 or 23 at the time. I was running a high fever for 1 week straight. I was in and out of being coherent but on one particular day, the Lord allowed me to hear a couple of nurses talking. "I can't believe she is still alive" is what I heard. I remember being transferred from a hospital room to a tiny space with a sliding curtain.The NO HOPE space. Granted, I'm sure more was going on, but this is what I can remember. That first night of being in the No Hope space, I remember a nurse. I remember she was a short, older, white lady, with a traditional nurse uniform on; the one with the little white banana split hat. She had come into my room late in the night, pulling the sliding curtain back with such force. I remember feeling tense; scared. I couldn't move or look up. She came close to me and said, "That's it. You will not die.You will live." I remember thinking, "who is this?" She put her hands over my head, they were so cold. She stayed with me, in the tiny space, for the whole night praying. She was so loving & gentle. She had wiped my head and fed me water with a straw. I think she was praying in tongues, because I could not understand what she was saying. Right before she left she whispered in my ear, "You're going to be just fine." The next day come- I'm up! I am alert, I have vision, my body feel good, no pains, I'm like new. I jump out of the bed, removed the IVs out of my arm, and I'm feeling healed! I go to the nurse station because I want to thank the nurse who had come into my room in the middle of the night. They tell me that there was no nurse in my room. I argued with them, trying to describe her uniform, her age, etc. They insist that there was no one in my room. Apparently there was not even a white nurse on the night shift! The doctor eventually checks me out and I am 100%. My kidneys were good, and so were my liver cells. No prescriptions needed-nothing. It was a miracle-the doctor even said so. I know I wasn't crazy. I know what I had seen and what I had heard. God had come to my aid or sent an angel. Either way, it was the night that changed my life.

Not too long after that, I had joined a church and I got SAVED! God had given me another shot at life and this time, I wanted to get it right.

All this to say: GOD IS REAL! HIS LOVE IS REAL! HE CAN AND WILL CHANGE YOU, YOUR LIFE, YOUR SITUATION, YOUR CIRCUMSTANCES, IF YOU LET HIM. Stop entertaining the Devil, who cares nothing about you. Stop wrestling with the Devil who is trying to wear you down to destroy you. Don't let the enemy lie to you anymore. You do not have to fall for his traps. God is offering YOU a second chance with benefits! I was the worse of the worse but now- look at how God is using me. He IS WONDERFUL. My life is not perfect and there were a series of events that took place even after my encounter with God, however I was no longer on the wrong team. His love helped me to love myself. He cleansed my body, my mind, and my heart- I still feel like I owe HIM something! He wants to do the same for you. Where you are in life does not surprise him. He is reaching out to you right now, while you are fleeing, God sees you. El Roi (The God who sees) is offering you encouragement and instruction- right now! There is nothing too big or too small, nothing that you have done will cause him to turn the other way. Remember he came for the sinners..."It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners." (Mark 2:17)

He did it for me and he can do it for you!

For he will rescue you from every trap and protect you from deadly disease. His faithful promises are your armor and protection. If you make the Lord your refuge, if you make the Most High your shelter, no evil will conquer you; no plague will come near your home. For he will order his angels to protect you wherever you go.They will hold you up with their hands so you won’t even hurt your foot on a stone. You will trample upon lions and cobras; you will crush fierce lions and serpents under your feet! The Lord says, “I will rescue those who love me. I will protect those who trust in my name.When they call on me, I will answer; I will be with them in trouble. I will rescue and honor them. I will reward them with a long life and give them my salvation.” “Fear not; you will no longer live in shame. Don’t be afraid; there is no more disgrace for you. For the Lord has called you back from your grief—I will teach all your children, and they will enjoy great peace. In righteousness you shall be established;You will live in peace, and terror will not come near. No weapon formed against you shall prosper, And every tongue which rises against you in judgment You shall condemn. Don’t love money; be satisfied with what you have. For God has said,“I will never fail you. I will never abandon you.”his way is perfect:The Lord’s word is flawless;he shows unfailing love to his anointed. For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by confessing with your mouth that you are saved. As the Scriptures tell us, “Anyone who trusts in him will never be disgraced. Remember your leaders who taught you the word of God. Think of all the good that has come from their lives, and follow the example of their faith.
A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you. Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. A thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy. But I came to give life—life that is full and good.
(A mixture I made from the books of:Ps.91, Isa. 54, Heb.13, Ps.18, Roms.10, Mat.11,Ez.36, John 10)

Baya...that Godly Diva

Steal, Kill, and Destroy...that's his job.

Good Morning Love,

Last night I had a dream... In my dream, I was being jacked for my car. It was my daughter and myself in the car. I was very cooperative with the thieves because they were armed. I told them, "here-you can have it. Just don't hurt us." I begin to take off my seat belt, and my daughter followed my lead. As we are both getting out of the car, I recognized some church folks near us. I waited and I waited, still playing the scared victim-then when the timing was right, I yelled for help! The church people came rushing to our aid and somehow my daughter and I were able to maneuver our way from the scene. Long dream short, we came in contact with the thieves again and this time they were so angry at what we had done. One of them who was still armed, shot me twice, as well as my daughter. The church folk jumped him again and all I could think was, my daughter is dead. I am dead. Then I begin to think, "how can I be thinking this, if I am dead?" I rubbed my chest area to feel for holes and blood-nothing. I rubbed my daughter-nothing. We were alive. We looked at each other in astonishment, not understanding what just happened. This Pastor comes over to me and picks up from the ground, the biggest bullet I had ever seen in my life. He hands it to me. This bullet was as long as my middle finger; a gold, solid bullet. I stare at it thinking, "I can't believe I was shot with this thing and I am still alive, not even a scratch."

This dream was a confirmation of God's protection from the Devil.

John 10:10 NIV: The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy;

To Steal, Kill, and Destroy is the Devil's sole purpose. He does not like you. He can care less about you, how you feel, and what you think. He likes to make you think he is down for you, luring you in with booze, drugs, parties, money, popularity, good looks, sexy bodies, false knowledge, jealously, revenge, sex, unclean relationships, false doctrine, foul play, crude language, fancy cars, big houses, TV shows, fake love, ...I can go. He gives you what you desire from the world. He allows you to feel comfortable living for him. He gets you right where he wants to get you- then he goes for the kill!
Matthew 4:9 NASB: “All these things I will give You, if You fall down and worship me.”-Satan

Everything we do that is opposite of God's Word and his commandments are in fact means of worshipping the Devil. When we speak lies, become lovers of money, become lovers of self, are stingy and prideful, get drunk, have wild unmarried sex, show our body parts in nude for attention, sleep with married people, do anything for fame, have babies with multiple partners in lust, fight each other, cuss each other, accuse each other, gossip about each other, sleep with the same sex, see fortune tellers, mark up our bodies with demonic symbols, backstab, steal, disrespect our parents, listen to false doctrine, shack up unmarried, sell illegal drugs, watch porn, sex texting with someone who is not your spouse, take sexual pics for display,...all these things and then some; unclean things that we have entertained at some point of time...are examples of worshipping Satan. Matthew 16:26: What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?

Is it possible to have it all, without having to sell your soul for it?
The answer is,"Yes!"

John 10:10 NIV:  I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.-Jesus Christ

In my dream, God reminded me that I belong to him. He reminded me of how safe I am in his care. He reveals that the Devil will attack but he cannot destroy.
Is. 54:17: No weapon formed against you shall prosper
Ps. 91:11: No harm will overtake you, no disaster will come near your tent. For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways;

God may be using my dream to remind you too that YOU belong to him.
Who do you worship? Who does your behavior give glory to? Is it to the one who gives life or the one who takes life?

While you think about that, let me state that my behavior did not always represent God. I use to roll with Satan...

Check out Part II of this Blog titled, "Satan, was my buddy."
Baya...that Godly Diva

El Roi- God sees (con't)

Good Morning Love,

In my last blog, we learned that there may be times when you want to flee from your current circumstance or situation. God not only sees but, he understands. He will meet you with encouragement and instruction.

Let's look at some examples of what God sees:

  • He sees every workplace concern, every workplace situation, every workplace dilemma, every family concern, every bit of family drama, every friendship, every relationship. "For He looks to the ends of the earth and sees everything under the heavens" (Job 28:24NLT).

  • He sees every one's actions, he sees when others do us wrong and we do others wrong. “For God watches how people live; he sees everything they do. (Job 34:21NLT).

  • He sees every person's heart and even understands why we live the way we do. He understands the frustrations of being a single mother. He understands the concerns of being over worked and under paid. He understands your heart when falling in love with an unsaved person. He understands your actions when dealing with a cheating spouse. He understands your thoughts when dealing with a person who lies. He understands why a person feel like they need to be with another person of the same sex. He understood why you used profanity in an argument. He sees how uncomfortable it is being pregnant and he understood why you got a divorce. He sees your desire to be married and to not be alone. He knows why you are mad and how you became sick. He even considers your choices of not reading your word or not understanding why someone you loved, died. He may not agree with all of our actions and all of our ways but he does understand them. "The Lord looks down from heaven and sees the whole human race. From his throne he observes all who live on earth. He made their hearts, so he understands everything they do." (Psalm 33: 13-15).

  • He sees what we hide from others and what we sweep under the rug. He sees those things that we do for him without recognition like, take care of our children according to his word. Sow seeds to those in need. He sees when you smile on the outside but are crying on the inside. He also sees that you keep pressing, keep praying and you continue to walk by faith. "Your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you" (Matthew 6:4).

  • He searches for those whose heart is sold out for himHe looks for those who are submitted to his will in every area of life (jobs, family, children, church, friendships, schooling, finances, marriage, recreation,etc.) and HE WILL see you through. He knows that you are not perfect but he sees how you try day after day, trying to get it right for him. "For the eyes of the Lord move over all the earth so that He may give strength to those whose whole heart is given to Him." (2 Chronicles 16:9). 

  • I want to encourage you this morning that Your God Sees and YOUR GOD understands.
    Nothing you do surprise him. Where you are in life does not shock him. He created you and he watches over you with compassion and love. If you would just hold on;faint not you will receive a blessing that you have not room to receive. God loves to bless you. He loves to show you how much he loves you. Your love for him, he takes serious. The things you pray to him about is very serious to him. He is completing a work in you and in just a short time, things will all make sense. You are in a good place. He has you covered. He promises to stay with you and give you strength along the way.

    I remember maybe two years ago, it was New Years Eve. I had just did the count down and as normal, I brought my New Year in praying to God. I heard God say to me, "This year your life will be like a roller coaster. Hold on tight and get ready for the ride." Mannn, that about scared me so bad. # 1, I don't like roller coasters, never did and probably never will. #2, I am afraid of heights. #3, there are a lot of ups and downs which means screaming, vomiting, feeling faint/dizzy, and near death experiences. Can I tell you that my life really became a roller coaster ride. The one thing I did do was, hold on tight. Through every up and down, twist and turn; every near death experience, I held on with all my might. I would not let go. Now, as a survivor of the ride- I encourage you to hold on tight. Don't let go. Just as the ride had to pull out of the station to start, it has to pull back in the station to end. God sees you and he understands you.Sometime with roller coasters, that last peak and that last drop is the real killer. It's the last real scare before the ride ends.  You are almost at the end, go ahead-scream, cry, yell, pout, close your eyes, just do not let go. It is almost over.
    Don't try to get off early...don't let Go.

    Baya...that Godly Diva

    El Roi-The God who sees

    Good Morning Love,

    Exodus 3:7 KJV: And the Lord said, I have surely seen the affliction of my people... and have heard their cry by reason of their taskmasters; for I know their sorrows;

    God sees where you are. God sees our hang-ups, miss-ups, and screw-ups yet, he loves us with mercy. He sees our sufferings and in his timing he will bring it to an end. Sometimes it feels as if God is not concerned but, He is. We need to always remember:The Deliverer will deliver!

    One of my favorite biblical examples of God seeing is found in the story of Abram and Sarai.
    Remember Hagar? She was Sarai's maid whom got pregnant by Abraham with the consent of his wife, Sarai. The bible tells us that Sarai and Hagar became unbenefited with each other. It got so bad between them that Hagar decided to get away from Sarai.

    Genesis 16:6: So Abram said to Sarai, “Indeed your maid is in your hand; do to her as you please.” And when Sarai dealt harshly with her, she fled from her presence.

    How many times has the fires of life gotten so hot that you could no longer stand the heat?
    Things became so tough, situations became so rough, circumstances became so harsh that you just wanted to run from it all. God sees it all. Sometime in the midst of trial you may need to take a step back to look at things from afar. The good thing is, God understands that. It was when Hagar fled, that the angel of the Lord appeared to her with encouragement and instruction. God met her in her hopelessness, her tiredness, and in her sin (breaking the law by escaping from her master).

    Genesis 16:9&13-14 NKJV:The Angel of the Lord said to her, “Return to your mistress, and submit yourself under her hand.” 10 Then the Angel of the Lord said to her, “I will multiply...
    13 Then she called the name of the Lord who spoke to her, You-Are-the-God-Who-Sees; 14 Therefore the well was called Beer Lahai Roi;

    Notice the instruction God gives her. Return and Submit.
    In order to submit, you have to repent. You have to accept that God has your steps ordered and even when you try to get off course, his love meets you and directs you back to the right path. Hagar was the only one in the bible (to my knowledge) that named God. In her desperation, she saw God. Something wonderful had happened in the midst of her suffering because God sees.

    "Yes, I can see that life is hard for you. Yes I see how badly you are being treated. Yes I see that you are looked upon as foolish and incompetent. I see that you have no where to go. I see that others talk harshly about your character because of your sin. I see your tears. Yes, I see and I understand however, I am completing a work in you. I need you to humble yourself and get back in the fire. This is required for the multiplication that is about to spring forth in your life. Do as I say, you shall not be burned."

    Isaiah 43:2 KJV:when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee.

    Enjoy your day,
    Baya...that Godly Diva


    Intensive Care Unit

    Hello Love,

    Do you agree with me that we have become a NOW people?
    Why wait 2 hours for something to cook when I have a microwave that can get the job done in 5 minutes!

    Galatians 5:22-23 NKJV- But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law.

    In life, God will often put you in unique and sometime very uncomfortable situations just to mature your faith.

    Statistics show that babies born prematurely are most likely to be delayed in going home due to their size. Depending on the situation, some can face weeks or even months in the newborn intensive care unit (ICU) before being released to go home. In worse case scenarios such as the lungs not being fully developed, these babies face an increased risk of serious medical complications that can even lead to death if proper medical assistance is not taken.
    To be who God has called YOU to be means you cannot cut corners. When you try to speed your life processes up/walk, what you are saying to God is, "I don't trust your plans for my life Lord."
    When you become angry and bitter in your heart because things in your life isn't happening as fast as you think they should, you can very well be saying to God, "Your way takes too long and I don't have time to wait."

    Take a second, truly imagine yourself telling God (to his face) "I don't have time to wait Lord!"
    Well of course if he were directly in your face you may not do so. However, because he sees and knows all things when you decide to speed up his process for your life, you are in fact saying that to him.

    Speeding up God's plan for your life, can leave you in a premature condition. Taking that type of risk can cause you to lose it all.
    It true, no one enjoys waiting! However, it is also true that no one enjoys losing it all.

    The next time you find yourself in a situation where you have had enough of dealing with whatever you are dealing with...
    Think about how long you have been fighting. Think about all the time and effort you have already put in. Your dedication, your sweat, your tears, your efforts. Remind yourself, that you have come too far to lose it all now.

    I'm always reminded of Joseph. I bet when he was in that prison for a crime he did not commit, he never imagined that in 30 more days he would be running the whole joint! Literally!! You can be 30 days away from your miracle. You can be 30 minutes away from your break thru. You can be 30 seconds away from your destiny! No one knows the time God will deliver, heal, or give but, we all know that he does deliver, heal, and give! Continue to be faithful. He has brought you too far for you to give up on him now. Don't risk being put in the Intensive Care Unit because you just could not wait.

    James 1:4 NIV- Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.

    Enjoy your day,
    Baya...that Godly Diva

    Suffering & Blessings...their both part of the game

    Good Morning Love,

    Ecclesiastes 3:1&6 KJV: To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven: A time to gain, And a time to lose;

    If God has blessed you, it is so that you can be a blessing to someone else. Having more than another person does not make you in any way a better person or better period. I see it all the time, Christians, turning their nose up at someone because they feel that their material possessions makes them better than the next person. If you are walking in a season of blessings that is wonderful but, pray for balance so that if/when the season change you are prepared for it. I've seen folk back bite when they witness another believer going through life's challenges. They make snap judgements and accusations that the person is doing something wrong or living in sin. They come against one's character and reputation based on their own suspicions and phony spiritual discernment when in fact they are the one's with an unclean spirit! Just because a person may be going through a season of suffering does not mean that they did something wrong. Everybody who walk with Christ will go through a season of suffering. We are all different and seasons affect us differently, but at one point or another we will experience it. It is not for us to try and examine or judge another person's life. That is actually one of the 10 commandments! Exodus 20:16 says: Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour. Meaning, don't accuse someone of wrongdoing. We should never flaunt God's blessings as if we are without sin.  You never know what God is doing in the life of another. You do not want your name to be associated with accusations. Keep in mind that Satan is the accuser of the brethren (Rev.12:10).

    Remember in Job, the devil accused Job, saying to God, that if he would remove his blessings and protection from Job, Job would curse him. Though Job was blameless, God allowed Satan to test him. Job 2:3: even though you urged me to harm him without cause.”. We have to be very careful, God gives and God takes! The same measures you use for judgement comes back to you! Job had a couple of friends who accused him. God's wrath was aroused against them (Job 42:7)

    The blessings he gives to his people are to glorify him not for showing off.

    Jesus teaches us best:

    The devil told Jesus to jump from the top of the temple and, when the angels caught him, it would prove to everyone he was the Son of God. Jesus knew better than that. He knew that he was meant to die on the cross, not by jumping off a temple. God's plan was that Jesus would be glorified through suffering, not through showing off. (Mat. 4:8-10)

    There is purpose in suffering as there is purpose in harvesting. God gives to us so that we can give to others. God allows us to go through tough times so that we can have compassion on others. We should never use his blessings to think more highly of ourselves. We reap what we sow.

    Acts 14:22 NIV: "We must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God
    Acts 20:35 NLT:‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.'

    Baya...that Godly Diva

    My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?

    Good Morning Love,

    I had something else planned for this morning but I was led to re-post this blog about being in the Wilderness. If you have already read it, amen- however, there is new material;powerful material that will give you understanding of God's love for you in what may seem like the darkest hours of your life. God has not forgotten about you. He is just preparing you for the promise.

    How do you know when you are in the wilderness and not just going through a difficult time in your life? The wilderness usually includes YOUR FLESH dying daily. You may think you are delivered from a particular thing and find that later on in life, you still need work in that area. In the wilderness, God's destroys those things that are not like him. He destroys them his way because your way did not work.

    The wilderness is designed by God to show you just who he really is. Some of us can live our whole life and never really know who God is. The wilderness is also designed to show you who you really are. Not everyone who enters the wilderness will make it out. Some will give up, some will die trying (spiritually). The only way to enter the new land and receive the promise is by doing things God's way. By allowing him to strip you of almost every thing that you know to be you. Everyday can feel like torture in the wilderness. You find out just how much of the world is in you. Yes you love God, yes you serve God, yes you are saved and baptised with his spirit but, you are still fleshly. You still do things the way the world does things. You operate in your flesh more than you thought. The wilderness will reveal that to you. The Holy Spirit and The Flesh go to war in the wilderness. A bloody battle that will prove who is in fact Lord over your life.

    The Wilderness will bring every bit of Word you know, everything you've ever learned about God: every song of praise and worship, every story that your grandma and grandpa has told you about Jesus, every christian movie you've watched, and christian book you've read, every sermon, every motivational inspiration, any and everything related to God will be your comfort. The road will become so lonely and so narrow that those memories and teachings will be what keep you alive. Some days it will feel as if God is attacking you. Nights will be so cold and scary not knowing which way to go and what to do. You will literally feel like just going home to glory (dying). The wilderness holds bad news, demotions, challenges, changes, stress, financial problems, lack, concerns, sickness, no hope, tears, pain, no joy, no rest, backbiting, gossip, no peace, letdowns, divorces, miscarries, and betrayal. Every day you live by whatever manna God chooses to feed you. There is never a choice, everything is done his way. There is no one that you can speak to (though you will try). No one will have the answers but God. There will be nothing your pastor or spiritual leader can do. Nothing a friend, parent, or even spouse can help with. Every road that you know will be blocked. Every path you remember will be crooked. Every familiar door will be bolted shut. The only person you can go to is- God. The only person you can depend on is- God. The only one you can trust is-God. The only thing and the only one that matter WILL BE- God. That is the way he has designed it. In the wilderness, your life will be turned upside down and inside out. The things of the world, the concerns of the world, the joys of the world, the hopes from the world, the love of the world will be replaced by and with GOD.
    This is not to scare you but to prepare you; the wilderness experience has been the hardest years of my life. Everyday trying to survive. Everyday a dead end. Tears, stress, worry, hurt, beat up by life. Broken by the challenges of motherhood. Demonic forces coming against my marriage. Evil things happening within and to my family. People I love struggling, and nothing I can do to help, Weird things happening in and to my body. Overwhelmed by life. I had never experienced trials so great while serving Christ. It started out as just a rocky season, my perspective was, "this too shall pass." But, it never passed. Day after day, month after month, year after year, it just did not end.

    I am still in the wilderness feeding off of any bit of manner that God sees fit to give me for the day (Duet. does not live by bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.) In the beginning, it was bad news after more bad news, after more bad news (2 Tim 3:12: In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.) Then I went through a stripping stage; all of my prized possessions, my greatest materials begin to go away (Job 1:21-God gives and God takes). Later, I went through a no one is here for me stage (John 15:18&20: "If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first.If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also.") Followed by, the no one understands me stage (1 Pet. 4:12-13: Dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you). Then there was, there's no hope stage (Ex. 20:20:"Do not be afraid. God has come to test you, so that the fear of God will be with you to keep you from sinning.") And, what did I do to deserve this stage (1 Peter 4: Since Christ suffered physical pain you must arm yourselves with the same inner conviction that he had. To be free from sin means bodily suffering, and the man who accepts this will spend the rest of his time here on earth, not in being led by human desires, but in doing the will of God.) And, so forth; I would call out to God he wouldn't answer (Job 30:20:"I cry to you, O God, but you don't answer. I stand before you, but you don't even look.) I would get so mad and threaten to walk away from God (James 1:20:For the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God. 1 Peter 2:23:When he suffered he made no threats of revenge.) Many many tears shed. Still no answer (Rev.21:4: He will wipe every tear from their eyes.) I would complain and complain just to find more problems and more disappointments. It felt as if God had forsaken me (Mark 15:34: My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?) As my flesh continued to die I would remember the things of my past, of my old life...then I would weep uncontrollably asking God what had I done to deserve such hardship (2 Tim. 1:8: Accept your share of the hardship that faithfulness to the gospel entails in the strength that God gives you).

    Today, I hear God clearly. I walk closer with God. I know God! What matters to him, matters to me. I worship him in Spirit and in Truth with my behavior. (Is. 43:19: For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.) There were brutal times of battle. I did not think I would could make it. I thought I was losing my mind but, all the while God was renewing my mind. I didn't realize then but now I see that God was with me. He is with me. The manna that he give me is just enough for the day. He is training me to not think of tomorrow but to only focus on today (Mat. 6:34:"So don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries.) Today he will give me just what I need for the day alone. I am not to take in more than a day's portion, if I do, God will decrease his manna to help me stay focused on only him. Phew, it can be a struggle. When you go from having everything, to having nothing, your natural mode of survival is to store up. God's mode is to: look up. (Ps.121:1) I still cry. I still hurt. I still want to know the answers. I still want to know where I am going. I roam around in the wilderness singing old church hymns. I find joy and hope by reading his word. I am no longer scared of the beasts of the wilderness because I have acquired a set of skills that keeps the enemy under my feet. I am more thankful now for his grace and his mercy, then I have ever been in my life. My nights are spent thinking..."I am still alive". I rejoice in knowing, I made it another day. I have learned to take deep breaths and say, "Thank you Jesus." (Rom.8:28:And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.)
    The wilderness will be required from all who want to receive his promise. God will not put you in the wilderness if you are not prepared for it. (Mat.4:1:Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness.) 1 Cor. 10:13: And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear.
    1 Peter 4:16 KJV:16 Yet if any man suffer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed; but let him glorify God on this behalf.
    Duet. 11:9 NIV- and so that you will enjoy a long life in the land the LORD swore to give to your ancestors and to you, their descendants--a land flowing with milk and honey!

    We are in this together!
    Baya...that Godly Diva

    Child of Promise Not Compromise

    Good Morning Love,

    I can't tell you how many times I've walked it. How many times I fell for it. How many times I've seen it. How many times I hear about it. I am talking about compromise. This message is more for my ladies this morning (no offense fellas even though I know you all go through this too!). We meet a man who goes to church once a month and we try to make him the one. We meet a man who has a job and we try to make him the one. We meet a man who looks good and we try and make him the one. We meet a man who has money and we try and make him the one. We meet a man who drives a nice car and we try and make him the one. We meet a man who is nowhere near being saved and we try and make him the one. We meet a man with a six pack and we try and make him the one. We meet a man who we know ain't taking care of his children, who ain't got a job, and  still lives with his mother, and we try and make him the one (Yes, I said AIN'T). Hold on...we meet a man who is married with children and we try and make him the one!

    Lord Jesus we need help! I have been there more than once and have finally received a certificate of marriage which is proof that if we do not compromise, God will give us the desires of our hearts.

    Compromise-an agreement reached by adjustment of principles

    Ladies, ladies, and ladies. We allow men to take us through some things! We allow men to come into our lives, sweep us off our feet, then turn around and hit us on the head with the broom!

    Why? Because we compromise. We get tired of waiting on God. We get tired of being alone. We just want to be loved. We just need a little help. We just want to be married. We are getting too old. We want to start a family now. We hate being single. I can go on. I have said them all and I have heard them all. We say, "We can change him." Again, I have lived this and I believe it will be my most powerful sermon..."The only one who changes is you!" He is either going to come up to your standards which rarely happens or you are going to go down to his standards which is always the case.

    It's the oldest trick in the book. The Devil has been using men to get us to sway from God since the beginning of time. Unfortunately, we always feel the need to learn the hard way more than once. Why? Because, "I can change him. I can teach him about Jesus. I'll help him get saved." In the end, you end up unsaved! If it looks like a snake, slithers like a snake, and talk that same game that he spoke to Eve from the very beginning- IT'S A SNAKE!

    Let me help somebody this morning:

    The only one that can lead someone to Christ is God:
    John 6:44 NIV:"No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him
    John 6:65 NIV: He went on to say, "This is why I told you that no one can come to me unless the Father has enabled him."

    Even when you are encouraging someone to accept Jesus Christ, you are just watering the seed that God has already planted. God plants, you water, God gets the increase...1 Cor. 3:6 &9:6 I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow.9 For we are co-workers in God’s service;
    We want to plant, water, and get the increase.

    Why do we allow someone to promise us the moon and the stars then take it from us while we are staring at them? God has already promised us everlasting life but we trade it in for a couple months of what? We have so many babies that are being brought into the world without fathers. We turn around and blame the men when in fact it is us! We are angry and mad because they don't want to take care of the baby/babies. We live each day with a chip on our shoulders, hating and wishing evil because of what he did and is doing. Matthew 7:5 NLT:Hypocrite! First get rid of the log in your own eye; then you will see well enough to deal with the speck in your friend's eye. We become single mothers, we become stagnant in our lives, we carry condemnation and feelings of guilt, and we go through so much more because we chose to compromise.

    Recognize who YOU are: Ps. 139:14: I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well.
    God did not hold anything back when he made you! So you may not look, dance, or sing like Beyonce, who cares! There is something special about you that Beyonce wish she could possess!
    Quit comparing yourself with others, especially when they don't believe in what you believe in. Proverbs 31:10:A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies.

    What the bible says about compromise:
    Ps. 119:-4 NLT:Joyful are people of integrity, who follow the instructions of the Lord. 2 Joyful are those who obey his laws and search for him with all their hearts.3 They do not compromise with evil,
    and they walk only in his paths.

    1 King 18:21 ESV:21And Elijah came near to all the people and said, “How long will you go limping between two different opinions? If the Lord is God, follow him; but if Baal, then follow him.”

    Draw the line in your relationships:
    John 10:27 ESV:27 nMy sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.
    Joshua 24:15 ESV:15 And if it is evil in your eyes to serve the Lord, choose this day whom you will serve, But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” 
    Ps. 119:15 ESV:15 I will meditate on your precepts and fix my eyes on your ways.
    Ps. 119:10 ESV:10 With my whole heart I seek you; let me not wander from your commandments!
    Don't fool yourself:
    2 Cor. 6:14 NIV:Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?

    Don't Settle:
    2 Cor. 5:2 Message: and we'll never have to relocate our "tents" again. The Spirit of God whets our appetite by giving us a taste of what's ahead. He puts a little of heaven in our hearts so that we'll never settle for less.

    Stay Focus: 
    2 Cor. 5: 9-10 Message: Cheerfully pleasing God is the main thing, and that's what we aim to do, regardless of our conditions. 10 Sooner or later we'll all have to face God, regardless of our conditions. We will appear before Christ and take what's coming to us as a result of our actions, either good or bad.  

    You will come out ON TOP:
    James 1:12 ESV:Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him.

    If you find yourself compromising, it is not too late to turn things around. For your Heavenly Father cares for you. He is waiting for you to come back to him. Jeremiah 31:3 KJV:Yea, I have loved you with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn you. 1 Peter 5:7 ISV:Throw all your worry on me, because I care for you. Matthew 28:20 ISV: And remember, I am with you each and every day until the end of the age." Luke 1:37 ISV:Nothing is impossible with respect to any of MY promises."

    Child of Promise not Compromise       (poem I wrote)                                                     

    You  are a child of promise not compromise
    A peek at you should show God’s Glory in your eyes

    Hear, ye children, the instruction of a father, and attend to know understanding.
    He taught me also, said unto me, Let thine heart retain my words & keep my commandments

    Get wisdom; develop good judgment.
    So you won’t find yourself in default on the Day of Judgment

    Don’t forget his words don’t turn from them
    You are like Neo from Matrix…the Chosen one
    My child, listen to me and do as I say,
    For I am the truth, the Life, and the Way
    Refrain from anger and forsake wrath
    Let wisdom lead you down the narrow straight path

    Every word of God is pure: a shield unto them, that put their trust in him.
    Why fake the word of knowledge, deny it-just to please a friend

    Don’t do as the wicked do; don’t follow the path of evildoers.
    Those that love conflict, those trouble brewers’s
    Don’t even think about it; don’t go that way.
    But you wouldn’t listen had to have your way
    You were better than that, yet you chose that road
    Turning away from righteousness, those were the seeds you sowed
    Eating food of wickedness – drinking wine of violence  
    Being touched and displayed like a local convenience store appliance
    The Word of truth approaches you – you duck and hide
    And when you cry out, God does not answer because of your pride.

    In too deep, gotta keep it moving
    Your sidetracked now…but who’s doing the approving

    Your feet race to do evil your mouth quick to speak lies
    Could have been a glorious wife but you chose to be a concubine

    Trade in your anointing for the love of man
    Let em’ do you wrong and expect God to understand
    Just like Peter, it was Christ you denied
    Altering the Word of Life- using arrogance as your guide

    But the way of the wicked is like total darkness – you can’t see
    Turned your back on wisdom, now she can’t protect thee

    Could have been in the ark but you chose the flood
    Then He passed by and saw you kicking about in your blood
    I hear him say, “You did not choose me, but I chose you
    My covenant which you broke, now I shall renew
    My law in your mind restores our time
    A lost child has been found – I claim you as mine

    No one looked on you with pity or had compassion enough to give
    Just like the days of your youth – to you – I say live.

    You  are a child of promise not compromise
    A peek at you should show God’s Glory in your eyes

    Colossians 2:8 ESV:8 See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ.