If any person wills to come after Me, let him deny himself...

I know it's been a while...I have missed you! Trying to balance everyday life is ughhh, not always easy! But God has a special way of nudging us when we get side tracked...

Luke 9:23 KJV: And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.

God is using this scripture to help me stay focused on him and less on me. What I need to do, what I have to do, and what needs to be done, God puts things in its rightful places.

1 Cor.1:18 KJV: For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us who are saved it is the power of God.

Let's see what God is saying...

From the moment you wake up you should already be ready to lift me (Jesus Christ) up and deny yourself. Thank me for a new day then ask me for wisdom. Sing praises onto me. Ask me for my will to be done in your day rather than you make your plans which either does not include me or puts me at the bottom of the list. Understand that my ways are not your ways. My thoughts are not like your thoughts. Be ye always prepared, ready to accept the good and/or the bad which ever I send your way on today. Don't worry about tomorrow for being anxious never added a minute more to your life span. Seek ye first my Kingdom and my righteousness. Know that my will is what's best for you. Remember in your weakness, I am made strong. Toss your way of doing things to the side. Do things my way, by my spirit. Accept that it is not you who is in control but rather it is I, who have called you according to my will, for my purpose. Bind up your sins, your doubts, your fears, and focus on giving me all the glory for every thing; big or small. Deny/remove yourself/flesh and Invite me to lead...I want to be before your morning cup of coffee. I want to be before the start button on your computer. I want to come before text messages and FB. Give me your bills. Give me your children. Give me your spouse. Give me your thoughts. Give me your mind. Give me your heart. Most importantly, give me your attention.

Once you put me in my place then proceed to pray. Ask me for a Simon of Cyrene spirit, be compelled to take up your cross! Matt. 27:32 Simon was compelled to carry my cross. He was forced to assist me. No matter what may have been going on with him up until the point of him carrying the cross; assisting me became the highlight of not only his day but, the highlight of his life. When you take up my Cross think of my power. Taking up my cross daily is not just a daily highlight, it becomes the highlight of your life! My power heals. My power destroys the enemy, the thoughts, the foolishness, the doubts, the pressures, the worries. My power allows the blind to see and sends demons fleeing in seven directions. My Power causes spiritual resurrections. My Power protects your coming and your going. My power covers your children. My power declares "You are my friend!" My power raises the level of righteousness within you and around you. My Power is operating in you right now; moving behind the scenes, right now on your behalf. It is important for you to acknowledge and receive My power daily. This serves a daily notice to the enemy that, YOU belong To Me!

No problem, no circumstance, no situation is too great for me. I am a wonderful counselor. I will counsel you through this situation. I am a generous provider. I will supply what you need. I am an understanding God. I know the things on your heart. All that I am asking is for you to put me first. Remember me. I can handle anything this world offers because It was I who created this world. Greater am I, who lives within you, than he who lives in the world. Allow me to apply my power to your problem. Allow me to do all the hard work and difficult tasks. Give me the tough decisions. Let me handle things on your behalf. The one thing that I need from you...FOLLOW ME. Get behind me, let me lead the way. I know the way. I designed the way. I knew this day before it even began for you.

And He said to all, If any person wills to come after Me, let him deny himself [disown himself, forget, lose sight of himself and his own interests, refuse and give up himself] and take up his cross daily and follow Me [cleave steadfastly to Me, conform wholly to My example in living and, if need be, in dying also].

"Life will stop being so tough once you put me in my respective place. Follow me."

Amen! I wasn't expected all that. Amen for the Spirit that keeps us connected to our Father.

Praise God.
Baya...that Godly Diva


  1. I love this! This is so true! When God gets the first, everything else falls into place. Time, finances, resources, everything. God is so good, and He is so worth it!

    1. Yes he is!!!! I was just talking to Jess the other day and she is in the process of putting God first...To listen to her talk about how other areas are lining up in her life just made me so excited! You are right...when he is first everything falls in place and HE IS SOOOOO WORTH IT! Love you little sis. So proud of you! So blessed that we were sisters back then but now we are truly connected by his blood! Hallelujah!!!!!
