I don't want to be a stinky christian!

Good Morning Love,

A quick eye opener for a Monday morning...Are you a stinky Christian?
What kind of impact do you have or make in the lives of others?

If your name was brought up in conversation, what would the discussion sound like? Now, I understand that some will always have something not so nice to say because that's how they flow however, taking that into consideration, what are the majority of folks saying about you? The first thing someone should say when your name comes up in conversation is, "Oh Baya, she loves God." (Plug your name in.) Whether they are being serious or trying to be funny that doesn't matter. As long as that is what the are saying-I'm good! Following that comment should be some things that they've noticed, heard, read, or experienced for themselves, to back it up.

To some it's not a big deal, but to me, it is a very big deal. I do not want my name associated with things that are not of God when I confess that I am a child of God. I do not want my name to come up in conversation as being a trouble maker, a gossip, negative, discouraging, a hater, or worse... a phony!

The bible says in Romans 14:16 KJV-Let not then your good be evil spoken of

That's scripture. Don't let your good be evil spoken of. When others are in your presence they should see the light of God. They should smell your God scent fragrance. Your words should offer life. Your actions should show love. Your movement and poise should exemplify grace and mercy. Self control should be a necklace/chain worn around your neck daily.

What separates you from the other millions of Christians out there?
How many people are you directing to the cross?
When is the last time God used your vessel to help offer salvation to another?
I don't want to be a stinky christian! We can easily fall into a ditch that says, "I live for Christ. I do what's right for my walk. They are on their own, that's their responsibility." Of course we then add the scripture, work out your salvation with fear and trembling (phil. 2:12) to make us feel proud of what is in our hearts. That is not it, people. That is not it. (I got that from Gladiator, you know when Maximus said Marcus Whoever had a dream and that was not it...ok ok)

2 Tim. 4: NKJV-I charge you therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ, who will judge the living and the dead at His appearing and His kingdom: 2 Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching. 5 But you be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.

This scripture tells us to preach the word! From the moment I got saved, I have been preaching the word. I recognize that preaching and teaching are some my gifts but, I am also in love with Jesus Christ! I am so amazed at what he has done in my life. I am so astonished of how his love truly changed me, that I feel compelled to share the good news with everyone. I want others to experience this feeling of being made whole. When I accepted Christ into my heart, I felt loved. Every screw up, every generational curse, every sinful nature was subject to the blood of Jesus Christ. My life got so much better. To me, remembering how I was brought up and the things I had to endure during my childhood- love was what I needed. Jesus was handing out love and I wanted a plate! Though at the time, my outward actions did not show it-my inside was hungry for something new, something different.
There is someone you talk to every single day. Someone you work with. Someone you call friend. That someone does not know Jesus Christ.What are you doing about that? You say you know him. You say you love him. When you get around that someone, are you talking about Heaven or The Housewives?

The scripture goes on to say: convince, rebuke, exhort, have patience while teaching the gospel. It is our job to convince others that Jesus Christ is in fact real. The way you live your life should be enough to convince someone. We ought to correct when we hear false doctrine, instead we duck and hide as if we are the ones out of order. Exhort; build up, encourage. That is how someone should feel after being in your presence. Your conversations should give life, not take life. Patience is the key. Who are you to give up on someone? Who are you that you can make the comment, "I'm done with so & so." Thank God that Jesus was not done with you before he chose to hang on the cross for your mistakes! Keep in mind that some may take a little longer to come to know Christ. I remember I would make these comments about my best friend, "Ughh, she keeps calling me with this Jesus talk!" I remember when she would call, I would let the phone ring and ring. I remember saying very often, "she gets on my nerves with that!" I thank God that she rebuked that spirit operating in me. I thank God that she loved God enough to keep calling and not be offended. I thank God, that she understood how to endure affliction and continued to evangelize. Then there was that one day...there was that one time...I wanted her to call really bad. Her love for God and his ministry led me to the heart of Christ. She unctioned me to the cross. I am saved today because she cared enough to keep loving me in my unsaved days and unsaved ways. 

 Another key point in that scripture, be watchful in all things or be mindful in all things.  You say you love God and you say you serve God but your facebook does not show that. Your twitter page does not reveal it. This social network scene can really get folks in trouble! It is a great tool, do not get me wrong but it is also dangerous. There are millions of spirits attached to it. I can not tell you how many times I've seen someone who claim Jesus, liking an unsaved, worldly comment filled with cussing. Really? Is it that important for you to like? Why risk someone saying something evil about you? Or, how about my saved women, posting half naked pictures of yourself because you lost a pound or two? Listen, Amen. Cuddos to you, but what kind of glory does God receive from you showing your body parts to men that you are not married to?  1 Cor.14:20-But everything must be done decently and in order. Yes, share your victory but do it in a way that represents God's Kingdom. Think of your brothers in Christ who are looking for a wife. Why make them struggle in their waiting, by showing unnecessary body parts. Your excitement should offer a spirit of encouragement not a spirit of lust. As a christian, when you see these things-don't backbite but, pray.

I remember reading this joke of fb. My first intentions was a little chuckle and then I kept it moving. Later, I heard a Pastor repeat the joke. It was even funnier than I remembered. So I decide to post it on my fb page! Though it made fun of a cuss word, it referenced scripture and had a good point so I hopped on the band wagon of sharing it. Within minutes of posting, I received an email regarding taking it down. When I first read the email I quickly became defensive. My flesh said things that were out of order. "Who is someone to be telling me about my personal convictions?" Either way, the Holy Ghost rebuked me. He showed me the errors of my ways. I went back to the email and read the scriptures that were attached. This friend was protecting me; covering me and helping me to not have my good be evil spoken of.
Eph. 5:4-Let there be no filthiness nor foolish talk nor crude joking, which are out of place, but instead let there be thanksgiving.
Mat. 15:11-“Hear and understand: it is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out of the mouth; this defiles a person.”
All this cussing, then saying, "Excuse my french" is out of order. The comment asks, "When did cursing become french?" How can we be down with something that God comes against? (That's in everything! Homosexuality, adultery, etc. but amen, I'll save that for another day)
Either way, cursing and christian don't mix so please stop trying to make kool aid with the two. 

What I am getting at, is others should be drawn to Christ by your good works. If no one is wanting to change how they live, if no one is inspired to want to know about God, if no one is being affected positively after being in your presence, it may be time for you to do a self-examination.
You do not want to be labeled as a sometime christian. You do not want to have others whispering in dark corners about your walk with Christ. If you say you represent the Kingdom, then your life, your talk, your heart , your ways & actions should support it (not come against it).
In today's time, it's just not enough to say, "I am a christian. I love Jesus." People need to see it. That is how you allow God to use you to help others accept Christ. Let me also toss this out there, we live in a world of peer pressures, and pride. This is not to pin point or come against you. I too, have missed the mark on more than one occasion. Missing the mark is easy to do...correcting yourself, repenting, getting it right in front of others and God is what really matters.
Remember, God sees ALL things. It hurts him, when his children are behaving in a way that embarrass him. However, he takes great honor when his children get it together and set examples.

Now we can use this scripture: Phil. 2:12-Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, so now, not only as in my presence but much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.

Ecc. 3:17- "God will bring to judgment both the righteous and the wicked, for there will be a time for every activity, a time for every deed."

Your salvation should show and prove that there is a God who will come to judge. As a believer, you should be directing the world to the cross, not to hell.

Enjoy your day.
Baya...that Godly Diva

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