The Black Card Vs. The Blood Card



We are living in a time of status, popularity, riches, luxuries, glitz, and glamour. Some would refer to this as the Finer Lifestyle.  Attached to this lifestyle comes a price that has to be paid.  A price that everyday people in their everyday bodies are paying.  The Gold, the glory, and the fame…many people dream of being a part of this very elite group. Members with a Black Card have been described as "super-affluent high net worth individuals on a continual quest for the best and most exclusive.”  The only way to obtain this card is by meeting certain criteria.
I myself do not own a Black Card however; in my back pocket I own a card that I believe trumps a Black Card.  I am a proud member of the Blood Card.  Now, you may not see this card as being a high profile card because anyone can obtain it. Meeting the criteria is simple. Yes it is true, with a Black Card you can purchase just about anything you want.  Having a Black Card can give you a sense of power.  Well, my card gives you power.  It can also purchase one very important thing that the Black Card cannot. If you happen to be someone who actually have both cards, Amen! 

Let us look at the Black Card vs. the Blood Card
Membership is limited to ensure the highest caliber of personal service is provided to every card member.
Membership is to all because God sacrificed his son Jesus Christ to ensure the highest caliber of personal service is provided to every card member.  (John 3:16)
Our Exclusive Rewards Program provides one point per dollar spent.  Points are worth 100% more when redeemed for airfare.You also receive unlimited visits to over 350 VIP airport lounges worldwide.  Our 24-hour Concierge Service is ready to assist you with all your personal, business and travel needs.
Our Exclusive Rewards provides atonement for your sins, which is not limited to reconciliation and forgiveness.  (Roms.3:25 & 5:11 ) It offers 100% redemption from sin to include the exclusive Eternal (Heb.9:12) Redemption Package: Deliverance, Salvation & Grace (Eph.1:7).  You also receive unlimited access to take communion; remembering Jesus Christ.
(1 Cor. 11:24-25)
Sky miles not important because the CEO of the Blood Card controls the skies.  VIP Favor accepted worldwide.  24-hour Grace and Mercy service for all your personal, business, and travel needs.  (Ps.23:6)
Members enjoy complete peace of mind.  Your card is accepted globally in over 170 countries and provides Zero Liability protection against unauthorized purchases.
Members enjoy perfect peace, which surpasses all understanding (Phil.4:7, Is.26:3).  Your card is accepted globally in every country and provides victory over the devil and his angels (Rev.12:11) and all unauthorized purchases.(Acts 20:28)
Low Introductory Rate on Balance Transfers
When opening a Black Card account, you can transfer over your existing balances at a low introductory rate for the first 15 months
No Introductory Rate on Balance Transfers
When opening a Blood Card account, you do not have to transfer over anything from your past or existing balances.  Jesus Christ has paid your debt.  (Heb.9:24-26).You have been forgiven of your debts and you can now forgive your debtors.(Math6:12) This provides an eternal covenant and saves you from wrath (John 1:29, Roms.5:9)
You can earn up to 25,000 bonus points when you spend $1,500 in the first 90 days.
Your earned powerful, freeing, and protecting bonus points, conveyed with an insurance provision from God, covers and protects at all times: you, your family, your home, your car, your assets, and anything else you own.  (Exodus 12:23) for the rest of your life.
Annual Fee $495 per year (includes all benefits)
No Annual Fee.  The Blood Card gives life per year.(John 6:53) Includes all benefits plus: Access to the Church (Acts 20:28)
Cleansed conscience (Heb.9:14)
Sanctification (Heb. 13:12)
Righteousness (Roms.5:9)
Complete for every good work including the will of God for your life (Heb.13:20-21)
Unity in Christ (Eph.2:13-14)
Fellowship with other Christians (Rev. 5:9)
Reign on earth (Rev. 5:10)
Authority to plead the Blood (Heb.12:24)
Fellowship of song (Rev.5:13)
Healed & Whole Body (Is.53:5)
Productive Membership in God’s Kingdom (1 Peter 1:18-19
Access to stand in front of God (Rev.7:15)
Shelter & Life-giving Water (Rev. 7:17)
Holy Spirit (John 6:56)
Access to Heaven (Hew.10:19)
Based on credit; credit restrictions may apply
Offered to everyone, no restrictions apply.
Savings is guaranteed.  (Rom. 10:9-13, John 3:17)



For those who demand only the best of what this world has to offer, the Black Card may be for you. Keep in mind, what is it to gain the whole world yet forfeit your soul? Mark 8:36

For those who demand only the best of what God has to offer, the Blood Card is for you.
Keep in mind, The Blood of Jesus Christ is absolutely the most precious thing God has offered us.  1 Peter 1:18-19
You choose.

Enjoy your day,
Baya…that Godly Diva

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