Breast Stroking with Jesus

Good Morning Love,

It never seem to amaze me how God moves in the lives of his people. Earlier last week I had found myself in a situation that seemed like the worse circumstance ever. For a moment, I took my eyes off of Jesus and put them on me. (Raise your hand if you do that. Raise your hand if you are doing it right now!) I mean, this situation really struck me with a hard blow and caused me to become wobbly on my feet;surely I was prepaid to go down.

Needless to say, the Lord came through mightily with victory! He was so smooth, so cool. I had a headache for majority of that day because I couldn't believe how something that big ended that quick. It literally took me a day to re-coop from how God just came in, saved the day, and went on about his business. I had being concerned for weeks and God moved in minutes.

That next day, as I begin to praise God with a clear mind and a thankful heart, the Holy Spirit begin to minister to me. God said to me, "Look at you, last week you were drowning and today you are breast stroking." That comment was so profound to me. I decided to dig in deeper to get the full revelation of what the Lord was saying to me.

Drowning- To die under water or other liquid of suffocation.
Drowning itself is quick and silent, although it may be preceded by distress which is more visible. A person drowning is unable to shout or call for help, or seek attention, as they cannot obtain enough air.

Wow. The moment I took my eyes off of Christ. The moment I made my situation about me. The moment I entertained my emotions. The moment I forgot who the man with the plan was. It is easy to do. God has come into our lives, cleaned up our mess, restored our minds, cleansed our bodies, performed unspeakable miracles and yet when trouble comes, we still react the same way. We still invite stress & worry into our home (mind & body), and right behind them are their cousins, doubt and fear. I started out with faith to move mountains but the moment I took my eyes of Jesus, I begin to drown. Just like in the definition, it was quick and silent. It was also led with anxiety and affliction which was definitely visible. I had become so wrapped up in me and what I was feeling that by the end of my tear session, I was no longer crying about the situation! I had given myself a big ol' pity party and had ate the whole cake! I could not call out to God for help or seek his attention, because the attention was on me. Whaa whaa whaa...all that moaning and crying; my tears were causing me to drown.

Hebrews 12:2 We must focus our eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.

The breaststroke is a swimming style in which the swimmer is on his or her chest and the torso does not rotate. It is the most popular due to its stability and the ability to keep the head out of the water a large portion of the time. Since the breaststroke can be swum with the eyes almost always above water, it is important in lifesaving, as it allows the rescuer to approach the victim without losing sight of them. In competitive swimming, the breaststroke is regarded as one of the most difficult strokes.

Wow. So much to chew. First, let's start with the key note of breast stroking-the Torso does not rotate. Your Torso or your Core is the trunk of the human body. The power from your trunk is transferred from the ground or point of leverage, up and down your body. Without a strong core, strong arms and legs cannot apply their power on the playing field (swimmers).

Ok, Let me really break this thing down: My Torso is my Faith. My Faith was not designed to rotate;to go back and forth. It is the storage of my inner being;my God Core. The power from my Faith/Torso transfers power throughout my body from ground up. If I am trying to make my Faith do something it was not created to do then the Power of Faith is not getting through to my legs and arms. If I have no power in my legs then I cannot drop to my knees. If I have no power in my arms then I cannot lift my arms to my father. If I cannot pray, then I will not be able to receive from the storage;the Core. My playing position on the field becomes weak because I am in a fetal position crying & drowning instead of a straight position prepared to sprint (move forward with God).

Phew! Somebody need to go ahead and dust that platform for me. Praise God, for his anointing.
I am thankful I serve a God who knows ALL THINGS about me. Did you read carefully? What God said to me was, "Look at you, last week you were drowning and today you are breast stroking."
Aren't you glad that the Comforter will keep you from drowning! The Holy Spirit that operates in you will stand by his word, because he is the Word, and his Word says, He who keeps you will not slumber (John1:1, Ps.121:3). So, although I was drowning-I did not drown. With the guidance of the Comforter I am now, not only swimming but I have learned a technique that is regarded as the most difficult strokes. This technique gives me the stability, and the ability, to keep my head above the water for a long period of time. When it feels like I am going to go under comes the Comforter! With the Comforter, my eyes are wide open- above water, allowing me to become a lifesaver. I now have the ability to see those who need rescuing!

Look, I'm going to go ahead and stop right there because I am ready to get out of this chair, jump up and down, and shout, "Gloryyy!" to the King of Kings! Trust me, I feel that preaching anointing and we could be here all day!

You guys have a great weekend!
Baya...that Godly Diva

Oops before I forget. The Holy Spirit had me refer to him this morning as the Comforter because that is who he is. God has sent us the Comforter in this latter day to be comforted. In all his majesty, he desires to show you love, to comfort you, and to be there for you in a way that no one else can. With that being said, allow HIM who is able to keep YOU from falling, to comfort you, counsel you, and lead you.
John 14:26 KJV:But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.

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