You are what you eat

Good Morning Love,

I have a question for you, are you spiritually healthy?

Just like with food, we need to pay attention and examine what we feed our spirits.  We should never put something into our bodies just because.  One thing that I have learned early on in my walk with Christ is, to never just eat what is being served. I have learned (sometimes the hard way) to take everything back to the source, the main cook; God.  Not everything that is being preached, taught, etc. comes from The Truth. Therefore, I am a very picky eater when it comes to the gospel. I have to be...

2 Tim. 4:3 NIV:For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.

John 14:6 NIV:Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life.

It's clear that life is attached to The Truth.

Man is just that...Man. They will hurt you, let you down, make you cry, etc. We should never get so comfortable with someone where we feel as if they can do no wrong; that we hold them higher than we ought to. There is only one perfect person who knows everything and that is Jesus Christ. I am not suggesting not to honor those in leadership, those who inspire you, those who minister to you, etc. I am suggesting that while God may use them for the edifying of his kingdom, keep in mind that they are humans and they will/do miss the mark at times. We are all made of flesh which means none of us are exempt from operating in our flesh at any given time.

With that being said, you should be mindful of what you feed to your spirit. Never get in the habit of eating from someone based on title, status, longevity, reputation, age, large numbers, etc. Everything you take in need to bare witness to your spirit. It needs to agree with your system. Always get with God and have him perform a wellness check on you. Just like with food, teachings expire, anointing grow stale, foods go bad...

Example, when you are about to eat something, don't you often read the attached label? You observe the label to see how many calories, fat calories, proteins, cholesterol, etc. the item has before you eat it. Sometimes if you notice that an item has too many calories, etc. you opt out of eating it. Why, because your body may need less sugar and extra protein. You are responsible for what you eat. You know what your body can handle and what it cannot handle. It is no different with feeding your spirit. You have to check all the preservatives to be sure it is overall healthy to eat. Yes, the person who has prepared the meal is a leader however, GOD is the one who has created every ingredient. God has been feeding sheep since the beginning of time. He knows how much salt, water, sugar, etc. a dish should have. Some leaders will prepare a meal the exact way the cookbook instructs and others may not. Some will add their own special flavors with hopes that it will taste just a little better. Either way, no matter who is preparing or serving you should always read the label, check the preservatives, and compare it to the original cookbook; the bible. Eat the fish, spit out the bones.

Every now and then, we want to indulge. We want to eat something that is filled with sugars, fats, and all kinds of unhealthy things because we know it will taste soooo good. It is no different with feeding our spirit. We want to hear all the messages that make us feel soooo good. We rather pass on those lessons that will make us feel uneasy and convicted. We don't want to eat fruits and vegetables. We want cakes and cookies! Mhhhmm. That may be fine, but keep in mind that just like in the natural, our bodies react to over eating of the wrong things, not eating at all/starving yourself, not working out etc. Our spirit man has a way of storing and distributing what we take in. Over indulging in the 'feel goods'; the sugars, never working out, and not getting the right dosage of the 'didn't feel too goods'; proteins & fibers, can cause unnecessary weight gain. You don't want to become a little too plumped so that you are unable to fit the whole armour of God (Eph. 6:11). If this happens, you'll notice when fighting the devil, your coordination is off. You are unbalanced; stronger in one area, weak in the other. The enemy knows this. He has purposely waited for the right season to attack you. He has been waiting for you to get nice and full with the things he loves so that you are now a tasty treat to him! 1 Peter 5:8 NIV:Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.

This is not only to be applied to teachings, etc. but also to television, music, friends/conversations, books, anything that your spirit can digest. In the natural, I cannot just eat any ol'thing. Some things will tear my stomach up! The same applies to my spirit. Some music, some of those reality shows, those worldly sitcoms, will tear my spirit up! It may cause me to vomit, give me headaches, stomachaches, etc. I have to be mindful of what I am putting in my system. Will my body be able to break it down? Will this cause an outbreak? Will I have an allergic reaction? Am I getting a little too much of this particular item? If I can't have it tomorrow will I go through withdrawals? These are the questions that you may want to ask yourself before you decide to take a bite.

I don't know about you, but I can't think of anyone who really loves working out. Who takes great joy in examining every single percentage, ingredient, and portion of what they eat. Who wants to eat fruits and vegetables 3 times a day and never craves for anything sweet. Well... except for Dr. Oz... But, we should enjoy doing these things, they will in the long run keep us healthy; preserve us. We are what we eat. God has given us the will to control what we allow to enter out spirits. Doing this will help us to grow, be strong, and be fit for battle. Our spirits ought to be ready in season and out of season. 2 Tim.4:2 NIV:be prepared in season and out of season

Enjoy your day,
Baya...that Godly Diva

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