Take a chill pill, YOU are forgiven!

Good Morning Love,

You know what I love most about God? His forgiveness! There is nothing that we can do that will ever cause him to take his love away from us. How amazing is that! When we repent, that is it-He remembers them NO MORE. Isaiah 43:25 NLT: "I--yes, I alone--will blot out your sins for my own sake and will never think of them again.

Do you know who reminds God our of sins? WE DO! We bring them back up because we haven't forgiven ourselves. When we do this, I believe God looks at us and shakes his head. This great love that he has for us, some of us just don't understand it.

Roms.8:39 KJV:Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Okay, you messed up. While man is judging you, you have to  learn to tune them out and remember who and what really matters.

Roms. 5:8KJV: But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

When you live for God; when you study his word and apply it to your life - He sees that! God knows that some things you will be able to go cold turkey on and others may take you days, months, even years to get it right. My experienced is, God honors our ambition to get it right.

Roms. 5:16 NLT:And the result of God's gracious gift is very different from the result of that one man's sin. For Adam's sin led to condemnation, but God's free gift leads to our being made right with God, even though we are guilty of many sins.

Roms.8:1 KJV:There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.

Condemnation: the act of judgement or to pronounce to be unfit for use or service.
Conviction: the state of being convinced. 

Example: Something we all have done...Called into work and said, "Cough, cough-I can't make it in today. (raspy voice) I'm not feeling good. I'm feeling sick." You lied! Off with your head! You really needed the day off because your car was making a weird noise the day before. You have to get it fixed before it gets worse. It's Tuesday and you don't think it's wise to wait for the weekend.  After the call you are feeling bad because you know it wasn't right to lie but, you felt as if you had no other choice. You call up a one of your christian friends and they go in for the kill, accusing you, rebuking you, and you are left feeling condemned. Your head is hung low for the remainder of the day. You doubt your love for God.

I can't understand why people always want to condemn others (nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God). Yes we are called to correct, but what ever happened to, with love? Condemnation is not God. Using the actual definition of the word, do you think that just because you told a lie you are now considered unfit for use? Conviction is God. Using the actual definition of this word; I am convinced that the Word is true. I am convinced of his love for me. Sin does not determine who who are. The reality is that WE ARE ALL SINNERS!

I remember when I got pregnant with my first son. I had gone like 3 years without having sex, in tune with the word and saving myself for marriage. I messed up, had a very weak moment and in that one time, I conceived. I beat myself up so bad. I battled with unnecessary condemnation. I was not fornicating on a regular basis and even after I didn't start. God is saying to us, "When you are walking with me, when you are trying to get it right, I'm not declaring you guilty because of one mistake. I know your heart and I know you love me. I realise that you are trying and I understand how you made that mistake. I am with you. Let me (Holy Spirit) teach you how to get it right." God's love bring conviction. It gives the opportunity to become more like Christ.

Conviction=Christ / Condemnation=Devil (opposites)

Condemnation would have driven me to a possible abortion. Conviction drove me to a deeper reliance on God. My faith reminded both him and myself, that I walk not after the flesh but after the spirit and God honors that. 

If you have found yourself in a situation of 'messing up' - Take a chill pill! God forgives you!
Show God that you mean business! Show him that you accept and appreciate his forgiveness by not doing it again.

If you are in a place where you are messing up in the same area repeatedly then you have to come to truth with whether you are walking after the spirit or after the flesh. Remember, conviction brings change.

Have a great day!
Baya...that Godly Diva


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