Trapped up - please just back up!

Good Morning Love,

Job 23:10:"But He knows the way I take; When He has tried me, I shall come forth as gold.

I know what it feels like to suffer. I know the pain and sweat of going through a difficult season. I can relate to trials being so overwhelming that questions of moving forward or wondering if it's worth it, consumes the mind. God is FAITHFUL! He sees and knows the way you take. Do not faint. Do not grow weary. YOU will come forth as gold! God is with you.

Trapped up- so just back up!

I can’t breathe

I’m out of breath, it feels like I’ve been running for an eternity

Calling on God pleading, begging please

Every time I move forward the Devil got something else up his sleeve

I see the light. I see the light but, right now it’s just a tease

His grip so tight please allow him to loosen his squeeze

From around my neck- exchange this yoke for yours

Everyday growing weaker- my soul being pierced by his claws

In my weakness you are made perfect so why do I feel so flawed

I was once vibrant, beautiful, anointed and adored

Where is your presence?  My world it feels so dark

My Lord, what did I do- can we have a heart to heart?

I don’t want to give up but I’m so tired; I can’t go on

I don’t want to give up but I’m so tired; the same ol’ song

I don’t want to give up but I’m so tired; tired of this fight

I don’t want to give up but I’m so tired; tired of walking by faith and not by sight

They depend on me; expecting me to have the answers

They’ve heard that the prayers of the righteous avails much

But they can’t see the devil’s strong gripping clutch

Both arms tied behind my back, tears cloud my availability to see

Can’t believe that the Deliver has forgotten to deliver me!

Won’t get a breakthrough even if I tried

Forget about the narrow gate heading for the one that is wide…

Don’t Judge me!  The demons I fight are not yours to battle

How dare you speak against me with such babble?

Trapped up, jacked up, feels like I’m strapped up

Cracked up, smacked up, everyone just back up

No more

I can’t endure

any more

I’m Trapped up – jacked up- Please just back up

That’s enough I said.  That’s enough in my cup

Trying to keep my composure, my flesh is boiling; ready to act up

You see, they after me…they trying to get me….my head on a platter is their mission

There was a point when I fought back but now I’m out of ammunition

God I can’t hear you, what are you saying?

God I can’t feel you, you left me for sure

What am I to do when I can’t endure any more?

A faithful servant, that’s who I was trying to be

If I abide in you, you said your word shall abide in me

To give me the desires of my heart was that so hard?

At the end of the deck, nothing left to do; played my last card

Don’t Judge me!  The demons I fight are not yours to battle

How dare you speak against me with such babble?

Trapped up, jacked up, feels like I’m strapped up

Cracked up, smacked up, everyone just back up

No more

I can’t endure

any more

I’m Trapped up – jacked up- Please just back up

But it is you who has prepared a table before me

in the very presence of my enemies;

You have anointed my head with oil; my cup overflows.

I see your Glory; I am the one you chose

I’m hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted,
but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed

Through suffering, my body continues to share in the death of Jesus Christ

For my life and my soul he has paid the highest price

Living under constant danger of death because of who I serve

Darkness has taken over but the King of Kings has reserved

My spot, my name, it is written in the lamb’s book of life

I must press on; won’t give in-can’t end up like Lot’s wife.

I made a vow that I would do your will

And even though the enemy has come to devour and to steal

The Joy of the Lord is my strength

Praises on my tongue, troubles at arm’s length

Your super natural has mixed with my natural - I can go on

I have been made new, whole; spiritually reborn

Is there anything too hard for you, the God of all flesh?

You answer, “Come to me those that are weary and I shall give you rest.”

Let me not be weary in well doing: in due season I shall reap, if I faint not.

In all afflictions, my eyes are forever toward the Lord-come too far to stay in this spot.

One's pride will bring him low, but he who is lowly in spirit will obtain honor.

Hardships bring discipline – suffer for righteousness sake, at the will of my Father.

Enjoy your day.
Baya...that Godly Diva

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