Bounce Back

Good Morning Love,

I feel this so heavy on my must know that one day does not define who you are.
One mess up does not dictate who you are in Christ. One wrong turn or one bad choice does not stop your flow with God. God has given you a "Bounce Back" spirit. Exchange your yoke for his yoke, which is easy to bare. Stop beating yourself up. It's done-there's nothing you can do about it. Instead of replaying what you should have, would have, or could have done over and over in your mind, accept the peace that God is offering you right now. Accept his forgiveness and move forward. Use what may seem like a set back to step up your discipline in Christ. Let this short coming serve as a reminder of how much you really do need the Holy Spirit in your everyday life.

I hear the voice of God...
"I know you are trying and I honor that. Some stuff you just cannot do on your own."

We think we have the answers. We think we know the way. We think we can handle certain situations. We think we are wise enough to figure out what's best for us. We think we have enough Jesus inside of us to handle temptations and tempting environments. None of us are exempt from falling short (sinning).

Not too long ago, the Lord spoke to me regarding one of my credit cards. He said, "Without my Spirit you cannot even manage a little plastic card." I remember repeating the words over and over in my head because it was the truth. In all of our wits and smarts, we still need the Holy Spirit for the simplest tasks. The bible says that God uses the foolish things to confine the wise.

John 14:26 AMP: But the Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, Standby), the Holy Spirit, Whom the Father will send in My name [in My place, to represent Me and act on My behalf], He will teach you all things.

The Holy Spirit aka the Comforter lives inside of you, teaching you all things. There will be times when we totally miss the mark but that does not mean that we are doomed! It clearly means that we need to allow the Comforter to have more control in our lives. Allow God's spirit to do what he does best-he was sent just for you.

I hear God saying, "Accept my forgiveness. I forgive you. Now, allow me to comfort you."

It's a new day! Time to Bounce Back!!! Old things have passed, behold God is doing a new thing!
No more crying. It's time to fly! This time you take the passenger seat and let God be the pilot.

Have a great day.
Baya...that Godly Diva

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