Steal, Kill, and Destroy...that's his job.

Good Morning Love,

Last night I had a dream... In my dream, I was being jacked for my car. It was my daughter and myself in the car. I was very cooperative with the thieves because they were armed. I told them, "here-you can have it. Just don't hurt us." I begin to take off my seat belt, and my daughter followed my lead. As we are both getting out of the car, I recognized some church folks near us. I waited and I waited, still playing the scared victim-then when the timing was right, I yelled for help! The church people came rushing to our aid and somehow my daughter and I were able to maneuver our way from the scene. Long dream short, we came in contact with the thieves again and this time they were so angry at what we had done. One of them who was still armed, shot me twice, as well as my daughter. The church folk jumped him again and all I could think was, my daughter is dead. I am dead. Then I begin to think, "how can I be thinking this, if I am dead?" I rubbed my chest area to feel for holes and blood-nothing. I rubbed my daughter-nothing. We were alive. We looked at each other in astonishment, not understanding what just happened. This Pastor comes over to me and picks up from the ground, the biggest bullet I had ever seen in my life. He hands it to me. This bullet was as long as my middle finger; a gold, solid bullet. I stare at it thinking, "I can't believe I was shot with this thing and I am still alive, not even a scratch."

This dream was a confirmation of God's protection from the Devil.

John 10:10 NIV: The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy;

To Steal, Kill, and Destroy is the Devil's sole purpose. He does not like you. He can care less about you, how you feel, and what you think. He likes to make you think he is down for you, luring you in with booze, drugs, parties, money, popularity, good looks, sexy bodies, false knowledge, jealously, revenge, sex, unclean relationships, false doctrine, foul play, crude language, fancy cars, big houses, TV shows, fake love, ...I can go. He gives you what you desire from the world. He allows you to feel comfortable living for him. He gets you right where he wants to get you- then he goes for the kill!
Matthew 4:9 NASB: “All these things I will give You, if You fall down and worship me.”-Satan

Everything we do that is opposite of God's Word and his commandments are in fact means of worshipping the Devil. When we speak lies, become lovers of money, become lovers of self, are stingy and prideful, get drunk, have wild unmarried sex, show our body parts in nude for attention, sleep with married people, do anything for fame, have babies with multiple partners in lust, fight each other, cuss each other, accuse each other, gossip about each other, sleep with the same sex, see fortune tellers, mark up our bodies with demonic symbols, backstab, steal, disrespect our parents, listen to false doctrine, shack up unmarried, sell illegal drugs, watch porn, sex texting with someone who is not your spouse, take sexual pics for display,...all these things and then some; unclean things that we have entertained at some point of time...are examples of worshipping Satan. Matthew 16:26: What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?

Is it possible to have it all, without having to sell your soul for it?
The answer is,"Yes!"

John 10:10 NIV:  I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.-Jesus Christ

In my dream, God reminded me that I belong to him. He reminded me of how safe I am in his care. He reveals that the Devil will attack but he cannot destroy.
Is. 54:17: No weapon formed against you shall prosper
Ps. 91:11: No harm will overtake you, no disaster will come near your tent. For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways;

God may be using my dream to remind you too that YOU belong to him.
Who do you worship? Who does your behavior give glory to? Is it to the one who gives life or the one who takes life?

While you think about that, let me state that my behavior did not always represent God. I use to roll with Satan...

Check out Part II of this Blog titled, "Satan, was my buddy."
Baya...that Godly Diva

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