Intensive Care Unit

Hello Love,

Do you agree with me that we have become a NOW people?
Why wait 2 hours for something to cook when I have a microwave that can get the job done in 5 minutes!

Galatians 5:22-23 NKJV- But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law.

In life, God will often put you in unique and sometime very uncomfortable situations just to mature your faith.

Statistics show that babies born prematurely are most likely to be delayed in going home due to their size. Depending on the situation, some can face weeks or even months in the newborn intensive care unit (ICU) before being released to go home. In worse case scenarios such as the lungs not being fully developed, these babies face an increased risk of serious medical complications that can even lead to death if proper medical assistance is not taken.

To be who God has called YOU to be means you cannot cut corners. When you try to speed your life processes up/walk, what you are saying to God is, "I don't trust your plans for my life Lord."
When you become angry and bitter in your heart because things in your life isn't happening as fast as you think they should, you can very well be saying to God, "Your way takes too long and I don't have time to wait."

Take a second, truly imagine yourself telling God (to his face) "I don't have time to wait Lord!"
Well of course if he were directly in your face you may not do so. However, because he sees and knows all things when you decide to speed up his process for your life, you are in fact saying that to him.

Speeding up God's plan for your life, can leave you in a premature condition. Taking that type of risk can cause you to lose it all.
It true, no one enjoys waiting! However, it is also true that no one enjoys losing it all.

The next time you find yourself in a situation where you have had enough of dealing with whatever you are dealing with...
Think about how long you have been fighting. Think about all the time and effort you have already put in. Your dedication, your sweat, your tears, your efforts. Remind yourself, that you have come too far to lose it all now.

I'm always reminded of Joseph. I bet when he was in that prison for a crime he did not commit, he never imagined that in 30 more days he would be running the whole joint! Literally!! You can be 30 days away from your miracle. You can be 30 minutes away from your break thru. You can be 30 seconds away from your destiny! No one knows the time God will deliver, heal, or give but, we all know that he does deliver, heal, and give! Continue to be faithful. He has brought you too far for you to give up on him now. Don't risk being put in the Intensive Care Unit because you just could not wait.

James 1:4 NIV- Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.

Enjoy your day,
Baya...that Godly Diva

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