Scripture a day...keeps the devil away!

February 29, 2016

Help Others Win...
“...He tried to join the disciples, but they were all afraid of him...But Barnabas took him and brought him to the apostles. He told them how Saul on his journey had seen the Lord and that the Lord had spoken to him...”
(Acts 9:26–27, NIV)
In this scripture, The Apostle Paul would have never had the impact he did without a man named Barnabas. Barnabas was one of the disciples. He was in Jesus’ inner circle. But Paul, at the time hated believers and was persecuting them. God touched Paul's life. Paul later wanted to go to Jerusalem and join the other disciples, but they were afraid of him. They knew all about Paul and his reputation. Barnabas stood up for Paul and used his influence to open a door with the other disciples. Paul went on to write over half of the New Testament.
We don’t hear a lot about Barnabas. Paul greatly overshadowed him. But if we asked Paul, "How did you come to write half of the new testament?" His response would sound something like this, “I am who I am because Barnabas helped me to win. I succeeded because Barnabas took a risk and opened a door that I could not open on my own. Barnabas believed in me when nobody else did.”
There is no greater legacy than to help someone else win. I honestly feel, God has always blessed everything I truly put my mind to do because of my investment in others. Helping others to win blesses me more than the person I am helping.
Sow good seeds because they will come back to you. On some of my hardest days in life, all the seeds I had sown was store up for me during those difficult times. When we help others win, God makes sure we are surrounded by people who will help us win in return.
Pray with me:
Father, thank You for Your truth which sets us free today. We delight in doing your will. Let us become a people that will always help others to succeed, to rise, to nudge them into a higher place in their lives. Let us not grow weary in well doings but rely on your Holy Spirit at all times. Show us ways to be a blessing and who in fact we should be a blessing to. Thank you in advance for your gift of 'Helps', and for the love and the help that you have shown us. Thank you for your faith in us. Let everything we do bring glory to You. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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