Scripture a day...keeps the devil away!

February 25, 2016

It's almost the end of the 2nd month of a new year and WOW look at all we have on our plates!
We have bills, problems, frustrations, doubts, concerns, worries, sickness, burdens, and various struggles.  This morning in the midst of all that we have going on, I want to remind you, "The Lord Knows."
I hear the spirit of God saying,  "I know child. I know. Please trust me. Rest in me. Lean not unto your own understandings. Am I not your God? Have I ever failed you? My grace is sufficient for you whom I call my own. You belong to me and I take care of my own." 

Amen. Praise God for a spirit of visitation. Praise God that he would drop in during a pass by read. Praise God that he is ABLE to do exceedingly  and above all we could ever ask or think!

Would you take a moment right now to focus on his love for you?  Let us take 1 minute to praise him together knowing that he holds our lives in his hands. He knows the paths we take. Let us take 1 minute to praise him because things could be worse. Let us take 1 minute to thank him because we know that the testing our faith produces perseverance. We know in the end we will be mature and complete. WE WILL LACK NOTHING! Glory to the King!  Join me...               

Psalms 95 1-6 The Message Bible
1-2 Come, let’s shout praises to God,
    raise the roof for the Rock who saved us!
Let’s march into his presence singing praises,
    lifting the rafters with our hymns!

3-5 And why? Because God is the best,
    High King over all the gods.
In one hand he holds deep caves and caverns,
    in the other hand grasps the high mountains.
He made Ocean—he owns it!
    His hands sculpted Earth!
6-7 So come, let us worship: bow before him,
    on your knees before God, who made us!
Oh yes, he’s our God,
    and we’re the people he pastures, the flock he feeds.
Let us thank him for another day of life.  Thank you Lord for what you are doing in the lives of those you call your own.  We don't need to understand, all you ask is that we TRUST you.  Deposit in us a supernatural spirit of trust that we may walk out the will you have for us today and everyday. Amen.       


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