Turn up? NO...Come Up!

Hey Peeps!!

Soooo...on Saturday I was at the Georgia Dome attending the Battle of the Bands. Hanging and having a nice time with my daughter and friends.  It was really cool watching the different colleges compete against one another. The only thing that about drove me mad were all the host/spokes people who kept saying, "WE ABOUT TO TURN UP!" "GET READY TO TURN UP." "I HOPE YOU'RE PREPARED TO GET TURNT UP." The more I heard the phrase, turn up it made me want to throw up!  I mean really, the saying has spread like a wild fire! There was one school that performed their rendition of one of my favorite gospel songs, Take me to the King.  They played so well. The commentator spoke words of encouragement as the instruments touched hearts. Ahhhh, it was orchestrated perfectly, very moving! Everyone in the whole Dome showed respect for God and it was just wonderful to see ALL colors, shapes, and sizes in unity. As the last piece of the song played, the spokesman said, "If He has ever done anything for you... If He has ever rescued you... please stand and praise him. Everyone stood. He continued, "Lift your hands and give him Glory." At that point, I was beyond words. I couldn't believe that God was being honored in this type of way. Right when I was about to go in (worship) I heard..."Now, that you are on your feet...it's time to for us to Turn Up." I sat down so fast! UGH!

Why does the phrase annoy me? Because look at what it means...

Turn Up -Verb:
1) Getting loose, being wild and potentially engaging in sexual activity with members of the opposite gender or the same gender if that's what you're in to.
2) Acting crazy due to consumption of large amounts of alcohol, marijuana, molly or other drugs.
It can be used as a noun where it is spelled "turnt up" instead of "turned up" as grammatical conventions would suggest. Turnt up is used to described the state of being wild and crazy like someone would be at a party.
It is not to be confused with the vegetable, the turnip, to which it shares some phonic similarities but is otherwise entirely unrelated.

The phrase vexes my spirit because it suggest we do the exact opposite of God's Word!

Proverbs 18:20-21 MSG: Words satisfy the mind as much as fruit does the stomach; good talk is as gratifying as a good harvest.21 Words kill, words give life; they’re either poison or fruit—you choose.

Our words are very powerful. The words that come out of our mouths is either adding life to whatever we are speaking of or about or it is either taking life from whatever we are speaking of or about.

Proverbs 18:21 NLT: The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences.

I try to be careful with the things I say.  I don't always get it right but I try to be very mindful. Example- I will not say, "I am catching a cold." Why, because I believe if I speak it, it can actually happen. So instead I would say, "A cold is trying to catch me but I rebuke that thing in the name of Jesus!" Now, this is me. This is my lingo so to say. I can't tell you how you should say something but that is just an example of being mindful over the words we speak.  If I say, "I am going to fail" enough times, what will happen? I will most likely fail. The mind grasp what the mouth says and the body acts what the mouth says.

With that being said, God does not condone anyone getting turnt up. It is not his will for you to act wild off of molly. The only one who enjoys seeing folks act a fool is the devil. Why is that? Because his role never change. He wants to Kill, Steal, and Destroy you. He has become a little more crafty in doing so. If he can get you to a place of having no self control...twist your mind up to believe acting wild is the way to live...man, he can and he will destroy you. There is such a powerful cultural demonic stronghold in this generation. Satan has authority and power over music, dances, phrases, celebrities, tv, fb and other social networking. He wants to get you right where he wants you so that he can kill, steal, and destroy you.

The term- Turn Up suggests you get drunk from drugs, act wild and crazy, and have sex with anybody.  Does that not sound crazy to you? What about this?

While you are getting drunk, be sure to get to the point of no longer remembering your name. Stumble outdoors and whip your hair back and forth in the middle of a busy street. If you are still alive after doing that, you will probably be dizzy and feel sick. Just play it off by doing the Nay Nay in between traffic as you make your way to the sidewalk. Be sure to Walk it out or 2 Step whichever you are capable of doing as you walk down the street. Oops-vomit time- never mind that, you see a Hobo...party time! Wipe your mouth and ask the hobo to have sex with you. Tell that person- man or woman it doesn't really matter, that you are feeling wild and crazy so it's perfectly okay that they may have a deadly disease, who cares! You are acting loose, you are flying higher than a kite. No self control-Enjoy yourself! Turn up! The next day when you wake up feeling sick and disgusted, in a place you have no recollection of, no worries, you can easily blame it on the Goose. You were just having fun-hey, you Turned Up!

How crazy did that just sound?!

Proverbs 10:23-A fool’s fun is being bad; a wise man’s fun is being wise!

I know some of you may think that I am being extra but, this is serious business here! These songs, the movies, the slang...all this junk that we are feeding to ourselves and our children because we do not realize how the enemy has tricked us into speaking death is crazy! Our children watch us, they hear us and then they repeat what we say and do. In this demonic world, I do not want my children jumping up and down to a song that entice getting high or drunk; doing drugs. Neither will I encourage my daughter to sing the melody of a song titled, "Drunk in Love" just because Beyoncé sings it. Amen, maybe Beyoncé does not have a problem with Blue Ivy singing it but let me hear my daughter talking about, Surfboard. Please. Entertaining the devil is what we are doing when we allow ourselves and those we love to be swept into his deceitfulness labeled, "trend." Who cares if everyone is saying it, doing it, living it. We are to be in the world not of the world. We have become the devil's little clowns, his puppets, his fools.

Some say, "it's not that deep-Baya! It's just about having fun." Molly and weed is not what we should be doing for fun. It is not God's will. And please don't be confused. Just because you attach something about Jesus does not give you a pass to use the phrase. You cannot get turnt up for Jesus! Saying that is a form of mockery.

Galatians 6:7NIV- Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.

God tells us to live a life of self control.

Galatians 5:22&23NLT- But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

Proverbs 25:28NLT: A person without self-control is like a city with broken-down walls.

He tells us to not get drunk:

Ephesians 5:18 NLT-Don't get drunk on wine (in which is excess), which leads to wild living. Instead, be filled with the Spirit

...to not engage in sex before marriage:

1 Corinthians 6:18 - Flee from sexual immorality.

...and If you are married, to not have sex with anyone other than your spouse.

1 Corinthians 7:2 NIV- But since sexual immorality is occurring, each man should have sexual relations with his own wife, and each woman with her own husband.

...as far as same gender sex:

Leviticus 18:22 NKJV- You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination.

It is God's will for us to Come Up.

Deuteronomy 30:9- "The LORD your God will make you successful in everything you do.

Come Up-Verb:
1) To rise
2) To grow up
3) To rise to the top financially
4) To succeed
5) To make it big
6) To snag someone who has more than you
7) Ending in personal gain

1 Thessalonians 4:3-8 NIV - It is God’s will that you should be sanctified: that you should avoid sexual immorality; that each of you should learn to control your own body in a way that is holy and honorable, not in passionate lust like the pagans, who do not know God; and that in this matter no one should wrong or take advantage of a brother or sister. The Lord will punish all those who commit such sins, as we told you and warned you before. For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life. Therefore, anyone who rejects this instruction does not reject a human being but God, the very God who gives you his Holy Spirit.

Proverbs 10:14- Wise men store up learning, but the foolish will be destroyed with their mouths.

Proverbs 10:32 -The lips of the righteous know what is acceptable, but the mouth of the wicked is perverse (perverted).

If you have been using the term turn up it does not mean you are going to hell. But now that you know the truth...why use it?

The Devil wants you to Turn Up but God says, "Noooo, Come Up."


Now, If you see me in the Wal-Mart don't be mean mugging me or be trying to fight me-lol. I am just passing out the truth and we all know the truth shall make us free!

2014 the year of the...COME UP!


How are you?! It's been a while, I know.  Long time no blog/speak...well, let me just start by saying, "HAPPY NEW YEAR!" 2013 was one of the weirdest years of my life! In the beginning of the year I was battling with fear of losing my home. By the middle of the year, I was the most busiest I've ever been because our company employed close to 30 people! Let me say that again, I was scared of losing my home, then all of a sudden almost 30 people working for me! When I think of it I am still in shock...that is just crazy...Nooooo, that is GOD!

I thank God that he is an ALL OF A SUDDEN GOD.
All of a sudden things changed! Circumstances changed. The atmosphere change. My Life changed! During my time off, I was like a roller coaster. Battling, Praising, Crying, Worshipping, Fighting, Trusting, Being Angry & Frustrated, and Hoping. Through all of my emotions and heartaches, God had been watching, just waiting (now thinking back-I thought he was waiting for the perfect timing but, he was actually waiting on me! Yikes!). There were days where I found myself lower than I have ever been in my whole entire life. All of a sudden things changed.

Even as I type this, remembering the snot sessions and the many tears, the swollen eyes, the attitude, and the guilt...I somehow remember that before I closed my eyes to go to sleep each night I still professed my love to God. No matter how horrible I felt spiritually, mentally, and physically I often coughed up enough strength to say, "Today sucked but, I still love you God."
God honored what was in my heart. God honored my persistence. Outside looking in, I was ashamed of my behavior, my attitude, my thoughts, unlike God mood swings, etc. God saw what was inside of me (him!). After each blow, bloody and all-I would not get out of the ring. Demonic forces tried to drive me out of the ring but they were no match for he who was inside of me. 1 John 4:4

The Lord spoke to my spirit last year saying, "This is the year of the impossible for my people."
When the daily routines of life became impossible for me...hold on- when it became impossible for me to even consider the next 5 mins of life! It was then God said, "Now I can move." Luke 18:27 ESV: “What is impossible with men is possible with God.” The moment I got out of God's way. The moment I could no longer try to figure out how I was going to get my life back to the way it was, God was able to take me to the next chapter. Hebrews 12:2  Humbling myself, I begin to remember that it was in my weakness that I would become whole. God was deprogramming me from the world's way of thinking and from the world's timing. Though I am saved and filled with his spirit, by living in the world I didn't realize that things of the world had deposited into my spirit. God wanted me to erase the plans I had mapped out for my life but, I just couldn't let go of them. I just kept trying to make them come to be.  Proverbs 19:21 ESV: Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the LORD that will stand.  It wasn't that my plans would not glorify God, it was that years ago I made a vow to God..."Lord, not my will but your will be done." My plans had too much of my will instead of his will.  The same way we expect God to keep his vows and promises to us we ought to keep our vows and promises to him! Living in the world, we've developed the need to have a plan.  In today's culture if you do not have a plan chances are you will go nowhere and go there fast! It's okay to have goals and dreams but God has to put the stamp on it. “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” -Isaiah 55:8 NIV

The moment God start trying to switch things up in our lives, we want to complain. We grow fearful. The moment he shake the waters we start entertaining & listening to ungodly voices speaking doubt, confusion, and fear. The moment we lose something we love; something we take pride in, something or someone we have grown close to, etc. we are ready to act a fool, rebel, fret, pout, never considering that if God is removing it, if God is shaking things up, if God is rearranging things, it must be time for: the next phase, the next stage, the next level, the next movement....THE COME UP!

There was a point in 2013, that I had found my self like Joseph-in a pit. The darkest and deepest hole I'd ever fallen in to. I spent a lot of time in that pit solely because I chose not to praise and trust God. Instead, I allowed the demon that was assigned to torment me, make me feel as if I were a victim. Self Pit is what I named the hole because that is exactly what it was and where I had put myself. Rather than finding myself content in what God was doing in my life, I found myself feeling angry and sad about it! At times I would cry uncontrollably and in the next breath be thinking to myself, "why am I crying?" That vexation demon would then feed me something else to cry about (usually bringing thoughts/events from my past-which was such an attack because we know that if we really sit and think about our past and who we use to be, what God has brought us from...it would actually cause us to praise him!) and I would eat it up. My momma don't love me, I'm all alone, no one understands me, why is this happening to me, I have no life, no one cares....me me me me whaaaa whaaa whaaa. Some good news from being in the pit is, remembering and realizing how much I truly needed God. Not giving up, and being restored by him little by little rekindled my love for him. I fell in love with God again. Funny how all the things that I was trying to hold on to, wasn't trying to hold on to me! Funny how all the things I just had to do, actually never got done and yet no one died (how about that?) All the possessions that once mattered so much, didn't mean too much then (prized possessions & materials items looked the same in the dark-black). Funny how being in a pit confirms the revelation of God's will being the best for us. In all of his sovereignty, God uses our pit to not only humble us but to line us up for the Come Up! From the Pit to the Palace! We all know the story of Joseph. Why is that? Why Pit then Palace? Once we step into the palace and see the richly décor, extravagant attire, festive foods, and experience all the privileges of living a royal life, we are humble enough to receive it. We find ourselves being thankful to be in such a place of splendor rather than feeling as if we deserve to be there. Once the gates close and we're in, we know that no matter how much royalty surround us, we remember the first stop was the pit. When you have spent enough time in the dark, there is a deeper welcoming and respect for the Light. 1 John 1:5- God is light...

I find that it is when you are feeling low in life, when you feel that you have gone in way too deep, that God has purposed his COME UP for you! God offers the broken hearted a place of newness, peace, blessings, and increase (not just financial but, in all areas of your life!). 

The Lord spoke into my spirit that 2014 will be the year of the COME UP.
After what he did in 2013, I can't even imagine what he has planned for me this year (and I don't want to know! ...Give us this day our daily bread...I learned to do that in the pit! lol No more getting ahead of God!)

I am excited! However, I am more excited for the 2014 Come Up movement within the Body!

2 Chronicles 7:14 NLT -
Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land.

This can be the year of personal restoration in your life. You may have been feeling as if you've been in the same spot year after year or as if you are going down; further and deeper into the hole/pit.

Come up out of darkness! Come up out of the pit! Come up out of the world's way of living, Come up out of self, Come up out of old habits & addictions, Come up out of your past, Come up out of your way of doing things, Come up out of the world's prosperity, Come up out of that unmarried bed! Come up out of the streets & drug life! Come up out of the bars & clubs! Come up out of the life that you've grown use to living!

Right now, God is offering you his will for you to COME UP. He has said that HE WILL HEAR YOU and that he will RESTORE (reestablish) your land.

2014 is the year of the Come Up!
God wants to upgrade his people. Why don't you let him Upgrade you?!
