Yeah, I did it. (Poem)

Good Morning Love,

You ever mess up? Well I guess that's a dumb question! lol We ALL mess up.  But, you ever fell short of his Glory and even though God forgave you, your friend, your family, your church, your neighbor, and even yourself won't forgive you. Every chance given, they are reminding you of what you done. Every time you move up, every time you succeed, every time God moves in your life, for every praise report, for every they go reminding you of your sin.

So here is what you say the next time someone tries to condemn you: Roms. 3:10 NIV- As it is written: "There is no one righteous, not even one; Roms. 3:23 NIV- for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,

If they continue on, suggesting that your sin is greater:
Roms. 2:1 MSG- Every time you criticize someone, you condemn yourself. It takes one to know one. Judgmental criticism of others is a well-known way of escaping detection in your own crimes and misdemeanors. But God isn’t so easily diverted. He sees right through all such smoke screens and holds you to what you’ve done.

If you are like me, extremely hard on yourself when you mess up. Remember this when the Devil try to make you feel like you are not worthy of God's love or forgiveness.
Romans 8:1-2 Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death.

Check out this poem I wrote dedicated to a person who was so concerned about MY sin.

Yeah, I DID IT

Yeah, I did it, it was me, I messed up
But I’ve got to drag that thing off the road
I must cover it up and move on, the king has told me to move forward, so that’s what I’ve got to do.
I’ve got to cover that thing up and move on forgetting about you

The King has spoken, I cannot listen to you
I know I let him down, I have come short of his Glory
But one day with his grace
and one day by his mercy
that very thing that has tried to destroy me
will become my most powerful story

I know you can’t see it. I’m looking real bad right now
Kicking in my own blood, it is me who need to bow down
It’s not enough to repent and ask for his forgiveness-I owe you something too,
pardon me your heiness-I forgot you sit on the throne too
I forgot your judgment stings too-I forgot your worthy of my praise too
Humble myself, repent and remember I can’t move on until I go through you too

Oooh you a Demon! You on alert whispering it’s too late
Trying to bind me up - in my simple mistake
While darkness surrounds me, you ease your way through
Trying to look for light then I notice, those demons are you!
You don’t want to see me through

Let this be my road block you declare
Cast the first stone, bring out the sphere
Rip me to pieces according to you I don’t deserve to live
Though my life has been brought with a price
I’m not worth of his tender, love, and care

Yeah, I did it, it was me, I messed up
But I’ve got to drag that thing off the road
I must cover it up and move on, the king has told me to move forward, so that’s what I’ve got to do.
I’ve got to cover that thing up and move on forgetting about you

The King has spoken, I cannot listen to you
I know I let him down, I have come short of his Glory
But one day with his grace
and one day by his mercy
that very thing that has tried to destroy me
will become my most powerful story

You say, “Calvary is not suitable for me.”
I messed up, I don’t deserve his Glory
I acted too soon and followed my flesh
Things all jacked up and I’m looking a hot mess
What about his stripes, I’m really trying to confess
Want to move forward but you’re making it hard to digest
This portion of right and wrong which I do know well
God is a God of forgiveness but you trying send me straight to hell

I can’t continue to let you condemn me
You’re not the one who gives life-instead you’re after me carrying a bag of strife
I’m convicted, he predicted, my unfaithful act he forgives it
Can’t forget it, tryna twist it, your affliction, keeps me restricted
But what about his blood
I got to mop up this flood
Press on despite what you say
Weeping may endure for the night but joy is on the way
I cannot continue to sit here and allow you to play
Tamper my mind with your bag of tricks
When God has confirmed that he shall fix
And mend, and heal, give me a fresh new start
Cleanse me white as snow and put into me a new heart
I believe him; he said he would do it
I screwed up , but his Word shall prove it

Yeah, I did it, it was me, I messed up
But I’ve got to drag that thing off the road
I must cover it up and move on, the king has told me to move forward, so that’s what I’ve got to do.
I’ve got to cover that thing up and move on forgetting about you

The King has spoken, I cannot listen to you
I know I let him down, I have come short of his Glory
But one day with his grace
and one day by his mercy
that very thing that has tried to destroy me
will become my most powerful story
Then I’ll be able to stand tall and strong under the mighty hand of the Lord
Pressing on to the higher mark to which I have been called.
I must cover it up and move on, the King has told me to move forward, so that’s what I have to do.

I’ve got to cover that thing up and move on forgetting about you!

Enjoy your day,
Baya...that Godly Diva

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