Keep ya' hands to yo'self!

Good Morning Love,

I recognize that there is a lot of foolishness going on throughout the Body of Christ.
It angers my spirit to know that the church is being made fun of though I can understand why. I see, I pray, and I keep it moving. I understand that it starts with me. I can guard my spirit and following God's Word the best that I can. I can be who I want to see in the body of Christ.

Needless to say, I don't entertain foolishness. Please don't come at me with fake prophecies and off the wall Words from God. Oh and please, what ever you do...Do not come over to me trying to lay hands on me. Keep ya' hands to yo'self please! 

Now don't get me wrong, I am not saying that I do not believe in the laying of the hands because I do.
God has used my vessel many times to lay hands. What I am suggesting is that you know who you are dealing with.  If God has put it on your heart to lay hands on me or to give me a word surely he has already touched my heart to receive you. I am not in any way trying to be mean, this is a serious and personal concern for me. I have been used, abused, and misused in the church and by those who say, "God has called them." I had to learn the hard way that not everyone who come in the name of Jesus Christ, is who they say they are. As a Christian, it is our responsibility to protect our spirit.

1 John 4:1 NIV- Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.

I have seen prestige men and women of God trade God's anointing for money, for power, and for worldly glory.  These same men and women are the ones advising us! It is our responsibilities to protect and guard our spirits. We have to be so sensitive to the spirit that we know right away whose who. The 'show off' spirit' is very much active today as it was back then.

Acts 8:9-11 NLT- A man named Simon had been a sorcerer there for many years, amazing the people of Samaria and claiming to be someone great. 10 Everyone, from the least to the greatest, often spoke of him as “the Great One—the Power of God.” 11 They listened closely to him because for a long time he had astounded them with his magic.

You have to be mindful of letting people lay hands on you, pray over you, and speak into your life.
Don't be fooled by all the action that may be going on. I never read anywhere in the bible where the apostles were jumping up and down, sweating profusely, asking for money, and prophesying cars.
I am not saying that people who do this are not of God. I am suggesting to you that the 'show off spirit' is alive and active and if we are not careful it can and will attach to us.

I remember how I use to get all excited when the anointing of God was upon me and I knew it was time for me to be used in the body. Somewhere down the line I begin to do what I had seen, thinking I was doing God's business. My emotions were tangled up with my excitement which led to me own thing. It felt good being used by God (so I thought).  It felt good having people look up to me. It felt good to hold a title in the church. Wowwwwww I was 'chosen'. My words mixed with God's words. Back then, I really thought I was doing something. The only thing I was doing was showing off and for who? Not God.

Back to Acts: But now the people believed Philip’s message of Good News concerning the Kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ. As a result, many men and women were baptized. 13 Then Simon himself believed and was baptized. He began following Philip wherever he went, and he was amazed by the signs and great miracles Philip performed.
14 When the apostles in Jerusalem heard that the people of Samaria had accepted God’s message, they sent Peter and John there. 15 As soon as they arrived, they prayed for these new believers to receive the Holy Spirit. 16 The Holy Spirit had not yet come upon any of them, for they had only been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. 17 Then Peter and John laid their hands upon these believers, and they received the Holy Spirit.18 When Simon saw that the Spirit was given when the apostles laid their hands on people, he offered them money to buy this power. 19 “Let me have this power, too,” he exclaimed, “so that when I lay my hands on people, they will receive the Holy Spirit!”

Peter basically rebuked Simon and he repented.  I don't think Simon was evil-I think his past life, being a new believer and him remembering that feeling of having people adore him, made him a little too excited causing him to want to take a short cut.

I personally thank God for deliverance! Today I practice self-control (which is a fruit of the spirit). It is an honor to show others God's power just by the way I live. Believe me when I say I have done my share of repenting in that area! I am very sensitive when I talk to anyone about God's Word and the things of God. I don't take his anointing lightly nor do I take it for granted. I can be who I want to see in the body of Christ. I have a right to be mindful about who I let pour into my spirit and so do you.

Guard your spirit. Keep a watch on those that you following. Some may not mean harm and could just be out of season (like I was).  Either way why play around with the anointing when you can have and experience the real thing.

Enjoy your day,
Baya...that Godly Diva


  1. the body of Christ really needs this gonna share it on my facebook!!! Glory to God!!!!!

    1. Amen!!! It is such a touchy subject. I would never want to come against anyone's leadership etc. But you and I both know first hand how easy it can be to be apart of "the greatest show on earth." Not this day! I'm no ones clown and won't be ever again! Amen for Liberty in Christ! Amen for the Blood that restores, deliver, and bring balance! Tks for sharing!!!! Love you Yo' lol
