Who's the LandLORD?

Good Morning Love,

Do you know what I realized over the weekend? We are like driveways.  In Real Estate talk, another word for driveway is easement.  An easement creates an attachment.  When referring to an easement, there are usually 2 property owners involved.  One is called the servient and the other is called the dominate.  The servient is the owner who carries a burden and the dominate is the owner who is benefited. So for example, I grew up in Queens, New York and some of the homes had driveways in between properties. We shared an easement with our next door neighbor. I would say that my family was the dominate owner because my dad pretty much did what he felt concerning  the driveway. He would park his car right in the middle of the easement instead of driving through to park in the backyard.  Thus, making our neighbors the burdened owners.  I remember them knocking on the door early in the morning or late at night, asking if my dad could move his car.  When you purchase a home with an easement, you have certain rights to use the property of another without possessing it. We are like easements. Our bodies are easements.  There is one dominate owner and one burdened owner. 

1st Cor. 6:19 NLT: Don't you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself

If we share our body with God, who is the servient owner and who is the burden owner? Well, it should be that the Holy Spirit is the dominate and we are the burden owner.  He should have the right away being that he made the house, added the fixtures, turned on the utilities, pays the bills, landscapes the yard, and provides a free 24 hr security protection system. (Put me on a platform and let me preach this thing. My goodness!)  Since he developed the land, he's the original builder, and he maintains the property, he should be the dominate owner.  Oh but nooooo, we want that spot! Yes, it is true. He has built the house but WE want all the rights of ownership!

We have an installment loan with God. In an installment loan or land option contract, The land is conveyed through a deed but the actual title (ownership) remains with the owner until the loan is paid off in full.  Meaning- God is the OWNER of the property. Though we have rights of possession to the land, he holds title. He has ALL the rights. We can never pay off the loan in full because which one of us can do what Jesus Christ did? Which one of us can stand before God and say, "I don't need you anymore. I can take care of myself." NONE OF US. WE ALL NEED JESUS at some point or time. If you are reading this and you have made that comment to God, then I suggest you go read your deed. You'll find that YOU are not the Owner, you only have access to use the land.

2 Tim. 3:2 NIV: People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy

We are disregarding the LandLORD, we let unbelievers tell us how to operate our land.  We allow Dr. Oz to tell us how to cleanse our body.  We allow Oprah to tell us how to run our home. Reality TV has more power in our homes, than we would like to admit.  We turn to everything except the LandLORD Tenant Agreement Act...

John 1:1: In the beginning the Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Just like with a driveway, God is saying, "When you pull out, I'll pull in."  When you are tired of allowing that sin to weigh you down and control you.  When you have had enough of unhealthy relationships. When you end your love affair with money.  When you stop watering your garden with toxic waste (alcohol & drugs).  When you are ready to stay home and mow your own lawn instead of worrying about the grass that looks greener in your neighbor's yard. When you are ready for me to cleanse your home with my holy oil. When you are ready for me to run your home with my Word. When you allow me to interior decorate with the talents and gifts that I give. When you are ready to stop acting like you hold title and allow me to plant my seeds..."

Luke 16:15 NLT-Then he said to them, "You like to appear righteous in public, but God knows your hearts. What this world honors is detestable in the sight of God.

"Then and only then, will I open up the heavens and send a mighty rain to fall upon the land which I am allowing you to live.  This rain will be saturated with my blood.  Your mind will be renewed. Your body shall be cleansed. Your healing will be available. Your broken heart will be mended. Everything that has worn and torn you down, I will work it out for your good.  The old will be no more, behold I will do a new thing.  I will give you a heart like mine.  I will open up your eyes to see MY GLORY. Everything that your hands shall touch will prosper.  Every road your feet shall tread upon will be blessed.  I will plow your land and your harvest will be so great that men and women from all nations will look to you for the secret of success."

Malachi 3:10: Test me in this," says the LORD Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it.

Numbers 23:19 NLT-God is not a man, so he does not lie. He is not human, so he does not change his mind. Has he ever spoken and failed to act? Has he ever promised and not carried it through?

Children of God, it is time to let God be the dominate owner. Put up a 'No Trespassing' sign in your front yard and read your LandLORD Tenant Acts book (Bible) very carefully. Let God move in your life. Pull out so that HE can pull in. God does not need to lie. We are the ones leasing space from him. If he says he will do it, HE WILL DO IT.

Enjoy your day.
Baya...that Godly Diva

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