Angry with God?Say Waaaaah?

Good Morning Love,

I had posted on my facebook status yesterday, that I found myself angry with God. I know what you may be thinking, "Angry with God! You SINNER!!" lol Well, is it a sin to be angry with God?

Eph. 4:26 KJV
Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath

We are living in a world full of ups and downs.  If you can tell me that everyday of your life is full of peaches, then I would ask your secret.  Our walk with God was designed for us to go through times of trouble, times of not understanding, times of disappointments, and times of questioning God. 

My anger was actually amusing.  I'm sure it tickled God.  Usually when I wake in the morning I get my boys ready for school. I handle my baby duties, make some coffee, and get in God's presence so that I can send out the devotion.  Well, when I woke up yesterday I had it on my heart that the day had already sucked and that I wasn't going to do anything because I'M mad. Since I can't understand why I do so many good things in life, and I try so hard to be who God's wants me to be, and I and I and I and I. I I I I I I I I! Notice the key word, "I."  I mean, I was really tripping.  My name is not Moses, Abraham, or Paul. Yikes! I dragged through my morning activities.  I had made up in my mind that I would not send out the word.  "I don't feel like reading the bible. I personally don't want to get into his presence today." I promise you all, truth before God- I heard God laughing at me! I promise! Then through the Holy Spirit he says, "You think you are hurting me by not getting in the Word? I know the Word. I am the Word. The Word is for you, not me." I just stood still looking like Honey Boo Boo! Then it hit me.  I really have a relationship with my God. A for real RELATIONSHIP with God.

Have you ever been mad at someone and so you decide the things I would normally do for you, I'm not going to do because I'm mad at you.  Take my husband for example.  If we are fussing and our lines are crossed he can totally expect that I may cook but I won't serve him a plate. I'm upset with you so you don't get the normal treatment!  Well, that's how it was yesterday with God. Me being an emotional woman, treating God the same way I would treat anyone else that I love if our wires are crossed. It's called RELATIONSHIP.

Anger in any relationship can lead to a closer relationship with the person if you allow it. I wanted to use my anger to block God but instead I let him in. As Christians we like to act like we have it all together.  We like to put a smile on our faces and act like everything is so great when in fact we are hurting inside.  When you have a for real relationship with God, you can't hide your true feeling from him anyhow.  Through my anger, I was able to cry out and tell him about my upsets, my hurts, the things that I want to change, my pains, etc.

Jeremiah 17:10 NLT
But I, the LORD, search all hearts and examine secret motives. I give all people their due rewards, according to what their actions deserve."

Yes, I had a snot ball, spit dripping, session with God. 

Psalm 56:8 NLT
You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book.

When it was all said and done, I thanked God for our relationship.  I thanked God that he holds the plans for my life.  I thanked God that I do not need to understand. I confessed that I in fact do trust him with my life.  As you can see, I am up and doing his work and feeling even more happy that he uses me to do it!

Phil. 3:14 NLT
I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.

So, to answer the question, "Is it a sin to be angry at God?"  I say not at all. It is what you do with that anger that makes it a sin.  Anger, gave me something new I could share about my daddy and his love. God will always get the Glory when your heart is truly sold out to him.

Enjoy your day,
Baya...that Godly Diva

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