You Hatin' (Poem)

Good Morning Love,

Just to switch it up a bit, I decided to try something different, something that I've never done before...
I recorded myself reciting this poem I wrote titled, You Hatin'. I had to create a video to upload it so please bare with me. Either way, I pray that you are encouraged to continue moving forward with the instructions that God has given you and to not be so concerned with what everyone else expects you to do. (P.S. No, I am not a rapper! lol)

You Hatin'  (click on link)

You Hatin’ Written by: Baya Lopez

I see you hatin it cool you wanna be like be
Blessed, on course, flowing into my destiny

I see you smirking that’s aight, you do what you do
When the spirit of truth comes he’ll guide you too

I know you talking mmmhmm, so that’s what I hear
I gave an account for my ways now I live without fear

I hear you scheming yup, saying things ‘bout to go down
This war has already begun let me give you the rundown:

What does evil and light have in common nothing at all
Though I try to do right you steady trying to make me fall
Wickedness and darkness, in high places
Deceivers, non believers, running in our races
Though I walk in the flesh, I don’t war according to the flesh
Fight six days of the week but on the seventh day I find rest
For the weapons of my warfare are not carnal but mighty in God
For the pulling down of strongholds I suggest you run and hide
According to the prophecies you’re in the wrong fight
I specialize in bringing every demon to the obedience of Christ
Lest I seem terrified don’t judge my outward appearance
I rejoice in suffering - delight in perseverance
Suffer hardships with G–O-D; I’m a solider of Jesus Christ
Envy, hatred, plots of conspiracy- What other man you know laid down his life
The flesh can’t beat the blood so why even try
Lift my sword of the Spirit- slice and dice you like pie
My beef is not with you though I know who you work for
Don’t be confused with this pretty face I can get hard core
A defender of the cross that’s who I be
Spy out the land to infiltrate on the enemy
Steady running your mouth you like to hear yourself speak
While I’m possess all the earth inherited for the meek
No active soldier in service entangles himself- in the affairs of this life,
I’ll leave that to you and your crew those enlisted by the Antichrist
Blessed be the LORD, my rock, Who trains my hands for war,

Suited with every piece of God’s armor you’ve been exposed like a whore
Do you really want me to continue or shall I stop now

I can dish this all day, because this is how I get down
So concerned about my shine, my diamonds, my pearls
I’ll always be a step ahead of you.  I’m not confined to this world.

Keep Hatin.
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