"Twilight christians"

Good Morning Love,

Sometimes I feel uncomfortable saying, “I’m a Christian.”  The world has found a way to strip the power out of the word and meaning.  When asked, I am always hesitant because EVERYBODY is a Christian!  The world in its demonic force has made the word become ‘christian’ instead of ‘Christian.’

I thank God for a spirit of Revelation and not Religion, this morning.  I thank God that I dare to be different.  I thank God that I do not desire to be like everyone else and I have no problem saying that I am a defender of the Cross. “I follow Jesus Christ of Nazareth.”  That is what you may hear when asked of my religion.  I do not want anyone to take my walk with Christ as a joke.  For instance, you ever meet someone and you get to talking and in the conversation you state that you love God and that you are a Christian.  They reply, “Me too!”  Then five minutes later into the conversation, they dropped the f-bomb, the b-bomb, the s-bomb, and any other bombs you can think of.  You are standing there in shock, why I am not sure, I mean after all, they are a christian (lower case c).

There is one thing that the world can never take the power or meaning away from and that is his GLORY. Hallelujah.  GLORY.  Get that in your spirits this morning. GLORY is beside you.  You do not have to be concerned, you do not have to be scared, you do not have to wonder why, they will not over take you, you cannot be made a fool of, the debtors do not have anything on you, sin cannot control you, your mind can have peace, you do not have to settle for any joe smoe, you do not have to think negative about your future, you do not have to cover up why you love Jesus Christ, because GLORY is beside you!

It is time for the saints of God, the defenders of the cross, the followers of Jesus Christ of Nazareth to bring power back to the word Christian.  It is time for us to lead by example.  It is time for those around us to know that WE ARE about our Father's business!  I don’t know about you, but if there is anyone that is going to be embarrassed for saying that they are a Christian, it should not be me!  I walk with Glory!  Hallelujah. Why should I be embarrassed?  My God is the Father of the universe!  Why in the world should I down play my faithfulness to him! Ut ah, I do not think so!  I guarantee after speaking to me…when I get to talking about all he has done for me, when I get to sharing how he has kept darkness from over taking me, when I tell you that if it were not for him I would not have made it….My God! Glory is beside me!  That person will know that I am a true believer of Jesus Christ and they would have to examine their Christianity!  Not me!

It is time for you and I to be vessels that God can depend on.  He is NOT a JOKE.  HE WILL SHOW US HIS GLORY.

Exodus 14:1-4 MSG
God spoke to Moses: “Tell the Israelites to turn around and make camp at Pi Hahiroth, between Migdol and the sea. Camp on the shore of the sea opposite Baal Zephon.3-4 “Pharaoh will think, ‘The Israelites are lost; they’re confused.  The wilderness has closed in on them.’ Then I’ll make Pharaoh’s heart stubborn again and he’ll chase after them. And I’ll use Pharaoh and his army to put my Glory on display.  Then the Egyptians will realize that I am God.”

This morning during my quiet time, God reminded me that this is the year of the impossible for his people.  He deposited into my spirit- that he would use the world and all its wickedness to display his Glory!  What came to my spirit was a vision…have you ever seen the movies, 'The Underworld' or 'Twilight'?  Remember when the light would shine or the sun would shine the vampires or demons would burn up instantly.
Well Saints of God, the SON is about to shine and he will put his Glory on display. Those things that are not like God, those who mock God, those that criticize you, torment you…you seen the movie.  You know what will happen.
Don’t be mistaken for a twilight christian during that time.  You are a Christian (capitol C), a follower of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.  You hold on, keep doing what you are doing.  Continue to honor God and his commandments.  Through this scripture, I hear God saying, “Camp out between Peace and Faith River.  Stay in the pocket.  I do not care what you see or who you see.  I know the father of lies has been after you but you just stay put until I say so.  Pray and Worship only me.  When it feels like the world has you closed in, evil may come full force after you but you stay faithful.  I will put MY GLORY on display.  They will know that I AM THE ONLY GOD of your life and you are my follower.  You are a true Christian, a disciple of my son, Jesus Christ.”

Enjoy your day,
Baya…that Godly Diva

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