Good Morning Love,

Not too long ago I found myself in a season of "fighting."  It was as if troubled found it's way to camp all around me. There were problems, worries, concerns, lack, frustrations, etc. every single day for me and for my family. It appeared that all the big guns were released on me! It was when I was forced into a dark corner during that particular season that God released a supernatural strength to continue to fight. Glory be to God! And in that supernatural strength I wrote a letter to Satan.  For the first time ever I will share with the public, this letter. May it encourage you to write your own declaration and may it remind you THAT THERE IS VICTORY WITH CHRIST!
Enjoy your day.
Baya...that Godly Day

 Hey Satan,
I wanted to say “Thank you.”  “Thank you for having the nerve to come into my home with your fears, doubts, and disbelief.  You must have had that window licking spirit, when you thought you were going to set up camp in my house!  Oh ruler of demons, for someone who claims to have power and authority, you really are weak.  I mean really?  You’re such a liar!  I’m laughing out Loud.  I have to admit, you do keep me on my feet.  Prowling around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.  Get a life!  Did you not see the Blood over my door post?  Did you not feel his presence when you entered?  Oh, okay okay, I forgot, you snuck in; which is the only way you can ever get in my home!  Yes, yes, yes, I remember now, you tipped toed through the back door because you already knew what was up!  Still laughing out loud.  Hold on, did you think when you threw the first dart I would duck?  I guess not because you threw what, ten at one time, aiming at me; your bull’s eye for the day.  I see, you thought once I was hit I would give in, bow down to you!  Ha Ha Ha.  Was worship on your agenda?  I’m Laughing even harder now.  You must have been smoking that new stuff- Antichrist!  You hit me again and again and again but yet, you still did not win.  If that was not enough while, I was down and wounded, your focus turned from me to my children.  I heard you walking up the stairs like you’ve made progress in my home.  What a PUNK!  You didn’t want to go another round with me.  Noooo, you wanted to attack the innocent, pure at heart.  I wish I could have seen your face when you reached the top of the landing and saw a 4 year old standing firm with a cross lifted in the air, a 7 year old at his side, holding his bible tight in one hand and his younger brother’s hand with the other.  Let’s not forget the 12 year old that was on her knees, screaming at the top of her 12 year old lungs, JESUS CHRIST IS LORD!  Laughing.  Lookie here Lucifer, my kids have been trained so that when they grow older they will not depart from the faith.  They understand the difference between good and evil but most importantly, they love their God.  They remember when Jesus took whips on their behalf.  Before you could figure out what the heck was going on, the front door swung open and in came the real Lion!  I can remember the look on your face.  Ha Ha Ha, I just cannot stop laughing at you!  I bet at that moment, you were regretting coming into my home!  Stupid Devil, that’s who you are!  You were even more shocked when you seen me riding on top of The Lion of Judah with praise on my tongue!  Did you really think I was down for the count?  I mean really?  That first hit was a mighty blow.  The second hit did a little damage but when you came at me all at once and caused me to fall on my knees, you put me in the best position to win.  You see beast, it is on my knees that I worship my God.  It is on my knees that I pray to my Lord.  It is on my knees that I confine in my Maker.  It is on my knees that I repent to my Everlasting Father.  It is on my knees that I listen to my Wonderful Counselor and on that particular day, it was on my knees that I let out a loud cry for help to my Father, Abba!  What you also forgot to consider evil one, before sneaking in, was the leader of our castle.  You are such a dumb dumb!  You see Devil; yes I know I keep addressing you by your many names.  I want to keep you on your toes!  I know how you flow, remember that.  Back to the point Wolf, you gave yourself too much credit.  You’ve been so busy causing ruckus in the world that you assumed most men worked for you.  Well weren’t you surprised when it was my husband who opened the front door for The King of Kings to come roaring in!  He was here all along, standing in his rightful place being led by the Holy Spirit on his next move.  Whoo hoo, this is just too funny!  In my house we like to play games together as a family.  Our favorite games are: take up your cross daily, stand up for righteousness, and accountability always.  My husband could have taken you from the moment you snuck in but, he enjoys watching you get beat by small children and a woman.  It just tickles him so much!  It also pumps his chest up a bit; to know that if anything were to ever happen to him, that his sheep would be okay.  Yup Accuser, you lose again.  I’ll give you credit though, to come in here; man that must have taken some nerve.  Just keep in mind, for the next time you think you can slip in uninvited, as for me and my house-WE SHALL SERVE THE LORD”!

I’ll be talking to you soon father of lies.  You and I both know that your evil ways will cause you to make another dumb move.  Oh by the way, your trials have caused my family to become closer.  There you go again, angel of the bottomless pit-another dumb dumb move! 

P.S. Since you like to put people in remembrance of their past, I’ll put you in remembrance of your future…the lake of fire!   HeHeHee lol

Peace out Enemy,
The Lopez Family
Defenders of the Cross



  2. Me too!!! It has truly blessed my soul. I love the Holy Spirit and I Love you D Money!

  3. When Satan is attacking, it is confirmation that I'm doing my job! Great post!

  4. You sure are Kathy!!! And you are raising mighty Men of Valor!
