God called you? Absurd!

Good Morning Love,
Is it absurd to think God has called you?
Is it absurd to think that God cannot and will not use YOU to do his will?
Sometimes, when I hear from people who speak of what I have done  for them, how I encourage them, how great of a person I am, etc. I have to admit that I am always taken back.  I am just me.  I am just Baya.  I am just a woman who loves God with all of her heart.  When I think of God using me in a way where people lives are changed and transformed, I get overwhelmed.  
I cannot understand how God could use me.  I am nothing special.  I come from nothing.  I do not have a fancy degree.  I dropped out of college 3 times!  Maybe I am not smart enough to give someone else advice.  My life is not perfect.  I had three children out of wedlock.  I am still considered a minority to some.  Heck, I barely know my nationality!
When I think of it, it appears absurd that God would choose someone like me to do his work.
I am reading this book, God Came Near written by Max Lucado.  He is such an awesome writer!
In this book he creates this image of Jesus that most never consider.  He says that Jesus may have had pimples.  Jesus may have been tone deaf.  Perhaps the girl down the street had a crush on Jesus or Jesus may have had a crush on her! He goes on to say that his knees may have even been boney.  One thing, which was certain, Jesus, was completely human.  He felt the same things we felt.  He felt weak, he grew weary, he was afraid of failure.  He got colds, he burped, his feelings got hurt, and he even had body odor!  To think of our God in this way seems absurd!  After all, He is the ALMIGHTY!
Look at some of the greatest people we know in the bible...
Noah-found drunk and naked in his tent
David-messed around with a married woman
Sons of Jacob- jumped their brother and left him to die
Aaron- Holy priest of God, witness of plagues, but lead the Israelites in worshiping a golden calf
Samson- drunk off of wine, perfume, and a woman
King Saul- looked into a crystal ball for God's will
Absurdity!  God using me and you to do his will?  Absurd...No, it is not!  The only thing that is absurd is not answering his call.  You are exactly who God wants to use!  You are exactly what he had in mind to change this world.
1 Cor. 1:27 NLT- Instead, God chose things the world considers foolish in order to shame those who think they are wise.  And he chose things that are powerless to shame those who are powerful.
All you have to do is answer the call.
Enjoy your day,
Baya…that Godly Diva

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