Between MY SHEETS (Poem)

Good Morning Love,

People always assumed that just because I had three children out of wedlock I struggled with the spirit of fornication. Well, I can't say that I did. Looking back, I was truly weak because of the situation wrapped around the particular person. I was not out bumping and grinding all day everyday nor was it on my mind to do so. With my first child, I was young and I just didn't know any better. With my boys...yes, I knew better. My best friend once gave me the name "Fertile Mertile." There was a joke that if you happened to breathe on my neck, I would get pregnant! I remember going three years without sex then bam-one time, one moment of weakness...pregnant. Then three years later...the exact same thing! It wasn't so much about sex itself because I also remember feeling so horrible during the intercourse (scared that God was going to kill me-literally) and even worse afterwards. I don't know which felt worse, the fact that he would always get up put his clothes on and leave as if I were a slut, how unclean I felt in my body both physically & spiritually, or the fact that I had let God down.   Man, I remember as if it were yesterday that feeling of hurt, pain, and guilt.  Knowing that I had gave up the precious and this man STILL did not want me. I had gave him my rare diamond and he treated it as if it were a knock off stone. I had turned my back on God for nothing. What shame I felt, not to mention going through two pregnancies! 18 months (total) of reminding everyone and myself of what I had done. Even harder was facing God. Even as I am typing this and remembering my past I thank God that he is a God of forgiveness. I thank God that he is a God of understanding. Hallelujah. I thank God that he is the quicker picker upper! Glory. I get a praise in my spirit remembering those days, remembering how the church did me when I got pregnant, remembering all the horrible names I've been called. It was bad enough that I felt disgraced but here go 'church folk' making me feel even worse. But Glory to God...I made it! It was not easy. I had to go through some things with God because of my disobedience but I am who I am today because of those lessons. Earlier in this message, I referred to God as the quicker picker upper...he has cleaned up my mess! I have 3 beautiful children (all the same daddy...let me just toss that out there. amen lol). I was once asked, If I could change things would I? I'm not sure. At that time I felt the furthest and closest to God. Weird huh? The only way I can explain it is by using the scriptures: 1 Cor. 6:15-17- 15 Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ himself? Shall I then take the members of Christ and unite them with a prostitute? Never! 16 Do you not know that he who unites himself with a prostitute is one with her in body? For it is said, “The two will become one flesh.”17 But whoever is united with the Lord is one with him in spirit.18 Flee from sexual immorality.

I had united my spirit to someone other than God so naturally and spiritually I was joined with that spirit. That is why it is so easy to be persuaded or moved by men/women that we sleep with. A connection takes place. Just like a drug, if you fill your body up with a particular drug and then stop taking it, your body goes through withdrawal. It wants that NEEDS that drug to function. Now check this out: If I take a particular prescription every single day (God) and then later mix it with another type of medicine (fornication) there will be a chemical imbalance in my body. The combination of the two causes me to become unstable because the two does not mix! One is fighting the other! All of this is going on in my body both naturally and spiritually making it easier to either continue to take one or the other. Either, I'm going to choose God and be convicted but press on or I'm going to choose fornication and feel too condemned to move on. Wow-that’s some good stuff, amen. So let's say I choose fornication. Now what, well if you truly love God then you won't last long on that drug. The side effects will cause you to lose your mind. You would not be able to operate in your day to day life. Why? Because...The body, however, is not meant for sexual immorality but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body. (1 Cor. 6:13) So, where does that leave me. It's very simple. The Word of God says: Therefore honor God with your bodies. (1 cor 6:20)

I know that was a lot to chew on but, chew slowly and swallow even slower.

If you have found yourself in a situation where you are dealing with the spirit of fornication...relax & repent. You are not the first and you will not be the last! The God you serve is a God of understanding and compassion. He is also a great Help in a time of Need. Pray and ask him to CARRY you out of the ditch that you will often find yourself in dealing with that sin. Allow him to cleanse you mentally, physically, and most imp. spiritually.

This is a poem I wrote regarding a man trying to get in-between the sheets! I pray that you are able to draw strength from it knowing that YOU are Victorious in this area when you choose God!

Between My Sheets 

Voices calling me late at night
Sometimes I’m so weak but I’ve got to fight
A woman of God I don’t creep
The devil on the prowl trying to get between my sheets
Where’s my bible?  It’s on the night stand
A knock at the door…Oh, I think it’s Dan
A glance at the clock proves that it’s late
What is he doing here, maybe this is fate

We had such a good time earlier during our date
Praying, sharing scripture- I think he’s my soul mate
Big in the church- he serves as a deacon
Prophetic anointing on his tongue every time he gets to speaking
Handsome structure – no need for tweaking
Thoughts of him loving God gets my body squeaking.

WD 40- I need to be oiled
Been so long…I just might be spoiled
Wait hold up- what am I thinking!
I’ve got to refrain from those thoughts turn to the teachings
Cast down every high imagination that tries to exalt itself higher than the knowledge of Christ
He rose on the third day – learned from his sacrifice

Surely I can do it – victory is in my hand
But the smell of his cologne…Armani is his brand
I can’t dishonor my body – that would be an abomination
For it is written, God gives a way of escape during a time of temptation
My flesh needs to calm down I’m out of control
What is it to gain the whole world and yet forfeit my soul?

I’m a woman of God – I don’t creep
The devil on the prowl trying to get between my sheets
Created in his image, fearfully and wonderfully made
This man knocking on my door thinking he’s about to get laid

Let me get out this bed – where’s my robe of honor
He got me twisted, don’t he know I represent the Father
What was he thinking – coming to my home this late
Let me quote the scriptures before I get real irate

Shut your mouth Satan!
I don’t owe him nothing – he didn’t die for me
I exercise self-control, no need for me to marry
A premature boaz before my time
I want a victorious and anointed warrior from David’s blood line

Sin against my body, not inherit the kingdom of God?
Let me answer this door round up my kingdom squad
My bible strongly condemns any form of sexual activity
Been down that road, now I’m freed from captivity
I am not my own, for I was bought with a price
Sorry boo boo, need I tell you that I am not your wife.

It’s gonna take more than good looks to get in my bed
No wolves in sheep clothing,  I like em’ Holy Ghost Led
The time has come the hour is at hand
I suggest you find your way home because Jesus is my man!

I love this!!!!
Have a great day!
Baya...that Godly Diva 


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