GOD, last on the list

Good Morning Love,

“Why do we wreck our brains trying to figure out the answers?”
There is always something to do!  
  • somewhere we have to go
  • someone we need to see
  • question that has to be answered
  • a problem that need to be solved
  • a bill that has to be paid
  • a child who needs your attention
  • a demanding co-worker
  • a unreasonable manager
  • a friend that has to talk
  • a church depending on you to handle the yard sale
  • a sister or brother going through a life crisis
  • a school activity
  •  a car that need to be fixed
  • a basket of laundry and dishes in the sink
I think it is clear that YOU are in demand!  Nobody can do what you do quite the way you do it.  Hmmm, do not pat yourself on the back just yet...it is that very reason you tend to forget about God.
You may say, “God wants me to show love, to help, to do the best job that I can do.  He wants me to be there for my spouse and children, my family and friends, my parents and even my church.”

Ps. 149:4 NKJV
For the Lord takes pleasure in His people

You are right, but remember balance is the key.  God wants YOU!  Since we cannot necessarily see him; he is not directly in front of our faces demanding our time, demanding our love, and demanding our attention we tend to forget his need from us.  We put him last on our list.  Most of the time when we are ready to acknowledge him, it is the end of the day and we are just too tired to do so because we were so busy completing all the other things that came before him.

If I told you that you sometimes serve the money god, you would be mad with me.
If I told you that you sometimes serve the relationship god you would be mad with me.
If I told you that you sometimes serve the to do list god you would be mad with me.
If I told you that you sometimes serve the career god, you would be mad with me.

The truth is anything that you put before God can become a god in your life.

Exodus 20:3 NIV
3 “You shall have no other gods before  me.

God understands that life can be demanding.  The smarter people become the more complicated life becomes.  This originates from the very beginning.  Remember, God did not want Adam and Eve to eat from the apple tree in the garden.  Why was that?  God knew that once they did, they would be open to everything that would demand from them what God intended for them to have- that was, a peaceful life.

Gen. 3:7 NIV
7 Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves.

As soon as they ate the apple, they would never enjoy God and his greatness in full again; there was work to do.

Duet. 6:5 NIV
5 Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.

No matter how demanding your life may be, it is up to you to GIVE GOD what he deserves.  YOU have to make it your business to put him first in all the things that you do.  Talk to him throughout your day. The time you spend with others can be managed properly when you are using that time to talk about God's goodness and his grace in your life.  Find a way to give him the glory with and in your day.  There will always be something to do.  Examine your personal to do list, allow something else other than God to be put off until tomorrow.

Exodus 20:5 CEV
5Don't bow down and worship idols. I am the LORD your God, and I demand all your love.

God is clear, he demands our love.  I cannot speak for you but when it comes to me, I know that he deserves my love. You just cannot go wrong putting God first!

Proverbs 16:3 NIV
Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.

Enjoy your day.
Baya...that Godly Diva

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