A jog in the park...

Hey Everyone!! It's been a minute since my last blog and this will probably be a little different from my normal posts but, well, for some reason I feel led to share something different with you all...

There was a time when days were really not so great...actually probably some of the most difficult days of my life. During that time, we struggled tremedously in our finances. We were so confident that all was well and that all would be well. Well...lol With two financial decreases (both walking away from corp. amer.) and the business not going in the direction we hoped, clouds were forming and they were extra thick.  It was so hard, going from having more than you need to pinching for necessities. Each day there was that possibility that today would be the day that GOD would move! But night after night things only got worse. Juan carried burdens of trying to take care of our family; being the head of the house and I carried my own burdens of everything under the sun. 

Juan and I were bumping heads left and right, day and night.  We couldn't understand how we went from having more than enough to at the time, struggling to survive.  Not only had our lives changed so drastically but our children were also spinning in the unexpected whirlwind of "What the heck happened?!"

I can't really recall how we start spending our mornings in the park.  I think I use to run in the early mornings to talk to God, cry, relieve some of the stress and worry, or just get away.  Either way, Juan began to join me. It became the thing we did everyday-faithfully.  There was one day in particular I remember saying to him, "We come out here every morning, like everything is ok. As if our world isn't falling apart." Juan looked at me and replied, "Whose world is falling apart?" He went on to say, "I just pretend." Of course I'm looking at him as if he lost his mind.  He continued saying that when he come out to jog he pretends that he's a wealthy man with no problems in the world. He says he runs because he knows he can. He pretends money is of no concern to him, so he has the luxury of jogging with his beautiful wife while all his affairs are being handled. My first thought was, "Seriously, who does that? Get a life." Funny how I was so easily drawn into his life. Not realizing he was actually flowing in scripture; calleth those things that be not as though they were. Roms 4:17

Man, those jogs were wonderful! We would hold hands, pass our tennis courts, tell the kids to stay away from our expensive cars.  Juan would book us trips to Islands we couldn't pronounce and I would stand behind our chef to be sure he was cooking everything the way we liked to eat it.  The pool was always a beautiful sight, and the kids had their own playground-I mean park! We had a lake off the back of our mansion for fishing, and because my husband loves me so much-he had built me my own small house for prayer which sat on the couple acres we owned.  We laughed and laughed as our pretend lives became so outrageous! We would see who could come up with the most bizarre thing to own or do. Some days I would come to reality and say to Juan, "We are really starting to think that we can spend the entire day jogging and pretending!" Our jog time went from 60 mins to 120 mins or longer!

As I reflect back, I am just so blessed and yes you know tears are flowing as I type. I was in such a bad place. Not knowing if leaving my job was wisdom or foolish. Not knowing if we should keep investing money in a company that seemed to be taking so much and giving so little. The kids...I could barely look anyone of them in the eyes because I felt bad, putting them in a position where they could no longer participate in the activities and events that they were used to.  It was hard, I mean very rough. However, those jogs! Even when I no longer wanted to go...My husband would grab my hand, force me to get dressed, and together he and I would go to store after store buying any and everything! We would go into various cities giving all types of stuff away...just because we could! After all, we were the, Dream Team!

Each day he held my hand and we jogged. Though we would bicker and fight from frustration and life's pressure once we came out of la la land...we still found a way to jog. We jogged, we laughed, and we shared something special that only God really will ever understand.  He allowed us to be together and jog during and through the toughest days of our lives. We jogged through every season and every situation...by Faith...Together.

Today, right before he left the house he said, "Hey, today it's suppose to be a nice day, we should jog this afternoon." 

I have never discussed with my husband how those jogs really got me through. Him holding my hand everyday and knowing that he was there made me feel safe. We could have lost it all but as long as he was there with me, by my side...I knew we could just jog.

(Juan, as you are reading this and I can't imagine what's going through your mind right now...I want you to know that, I love you. We have gone through hell a couple times but you always find a way to lead us out. "Thank you.")

The purpose of my story...Life can be everything we want one day and everything we hate the next day.
We have to learn to jog through the dark times. Though we pretended, each day we both knew internally that we were running by faith. That God would move and we, together would make it.  God honors our commitment and dedication to him.  We could have shut down the company and on some days it seemed like that was the best thing to do but, we didn't. We found a way to press on. God used something as foolish as a jog in park to keep us moving. To keep us running to him. Trusting and knowing that one day...one day...

Don't give up. Don't give in. Find a way to jog toward the Lord not from the Lord when 'what the heck happened?' happens in your life.

Today I look forward to jogging with my man! Today I look forward to thanking God for his Faithfulness. Today while jogging I'll be pretending I'm a size 6! ha ha! Today, I will look at my husband and thank God in my mind, for the man he created for me...good, bad, and annoying-he loves me! If you happen to be in the park while we are jogging, you may see me stealing a couple kisses on the trail.

God is Faithful. Trust him.

1Cor 9 NLT & Deut.7:9 MSG:
God will do this, for he is faithful to do what he says...
God wasn’t attracted to you and didn’t choose you because you were big and important—the fact is, there was almost nothing to you. He did it out of sheer love, keeping the promise he made to your ancestors. God stepped in and mightily bought you back out of that world of slavery, freed you from the iron grip of Pharaoh king of Egypt. Know this: God, your God, is God indeed, a God you can depend upon. He keeps his covenant of loyal love with those who love him and observe his commandments for a thousand generations. 

2 Timothy 2:13
If we are faithless, he remains faithful, for he cannot disown himself.

1 Thessalonians 5:24
The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it.

Have a great day.

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