God wants to give you steak but you rather chicken wings

Good Morning Love,

"How can you step into your present when you won't release your past?

This new month of the new year is coming to an end and you had such high hopes for this great new beginning.  But now, as we get ready to enter into a new month, you are back to feeling bummed.  Things are still the same, nothing is changing, the same problems plus more is on your plate, the same ol, same ol.

Let me paint this picture for you. Imagine this: God calls you by name. You hear him loud and clear. You are so excited that he has called you. You stop what you are doing to hear what thus sayth the Lord.  The Lord says, "I want to do a new thing in your life. This will be the year of the impossible for my people." You are excited beyond control. He continues by saying, "I want you to pack a back pack and I want you to meet me on top of Peak Mountain. There on top of the mountain, I will be waiting. I will change your life. I will hand you your destiny." You can't even believe this word that God has spoken to you. You've been waiting so long for a breakthrough for a new beginning. You pack your bag, put on hiking gear and off you go! Just as you are about to leave, you think to yourself, I need to call someone to tell them what just happened.  You pick up the phone and call your best friend because they just have to know what God has said.  While you are on the phone with your friend they ask you what you will pack.  You tell them, "just the things I need."  but your friend gives you suggestions of what you may really need. About 2 hours past and you race back into your room to pack some more things.  Just as you are about to leave you have this great idea to encourage others.  You decide to post what's going on, on your facebook page.  Another hour has gone by.  You have mixed feeling about where your going. According to your friends on facebook, Peak Mountain is far.  There are steep hills and wild animals along the trail. Why in the world would God tell you to meet him there! Are you sure you heard God? That could be the Devil! You may need to pack this...After repacking, you decide it's time to go.  You are nervous now, even a little frighten. But you really want this new beginning. So much time has passed and it'll be night soon, you remembered a short cut to the trail.  Though you are not 100 % certain of this shortcut, you think to yourself that you'll figure it out on the way. Off you go! On the shortcut, you see an old friend. You've been trying so hard to live right, keep yourself pure and you had cut that person off months ago to protect your purity. The friend comes over to you and ask where you are going. You feel like you may need to just wave and run pass but, it's been months- a little talk won't do any harm. So you let the friend walk with you. You tell yourself,"just half way." Besides, you can use the company because it's a lonely walk and you need help to carry the overstuffed bag. So you continue on.  During the hike your friend suggest that you need to remove some items from your bag, it's just too heavy. He/She toss out your bible, a cross key chain, and a mp3 player filled with worship and praise music. He/She explains why you don't need those items and now the bag is lighter.  You guys continue on the walk and there is some hanky panky that goes on. A little touching here and there. A couple kisses, first on the cheek, then on the neck, and now some intimate ones on the mouth. After playing the 'you feel mines, I feel yours' game you decide to bring up y'all getting back together. He/She is hesitant and tell you that their involved with someone else.  You feel foolish. You gather your items and continue the walk alone. You are walking for quite some time now and your vision is blurry from the tears rolling down your face. You just want to get there already. You are frustrated and you are tired. You dig in your bag for your anointing oil. You plan to repent, pray to God, and anoint yourself. You are feeling so condemned. You notice it's not in your bag! You then remember that one of your friends told you, you wouldn't need that. So you decide against the prayer and you just want to reach the top immediately.  It's getting cold out and again in your bag you go but, there is no jacket. You sit and think to yourself because you remember packing a jacket. Surely you knew that you would need a jacket! Then it hits you, you packed a nice offit to wear instead so you could look perfect in front of God. Momma suggested that. You are steady going up a hill that has every muscle in your body aching. You see the top but it seems like you will never make it.  Your bag is so heavy filled with a bunch of junk that you don't even need. You packed a bunch of items from your past because you felt you would need them for your future.  It is so late now, you are wondering if God is still there.  You are pressing forward on 'E'.  You were not able to refuel yourself after the incident, because your bible, and your worship music was no longer available. You don't want to call a friend because you are too embarrassed. You try to pray, and ask God for help to make it up the hill but, you fill so bad for what you done earlier. You are getting closer but it just doesn't seem like it. You are drained. You start to remember what friends said earlier about maybe it not being God who told you to go to the mountain in the first place.  You say to yourself, "It must not be God because why would God allow me to see so & so, he knew I was weak in that area. And why would God? Why would God? Why would God?" "Forget it! This is just too much and God will not give me more than I can bare." You hear a gentle whisper, "You can make it. I am still waiting. Just empty your bag and continue on. I am with you always even to the very end." You know that voice. It sound so sweet. You look in your bag and can't think of tossing anything you packed. I mean it's stuff you purchased with hard earned money, stuff that was given to you as gifts, stuff you will definitely need. You already tossed things out earlier, which you later needed. Can't let that happen again. You regain strength, you know that you can make it. God said he's with you until the very end! You are back on your feet, pressing to the top...gotta get that new beginning. You never do make it.

Sound familiar? So many lessons to learn from this made up story.

1)When God tells you to do something...DO IT (Proverbs 13:13- He who scorns instruction will pay for it, but he who respects a command is rewarded.)
2)You don't have to tell everyone what God is saying to you.  Keep your mouth closed. God wants to know that he can trust you with information.  He also knows how easy it is for the enemy to get in your ear. Remember Eve? (Gen.3:1-3-Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?”)
3)Not every friend is good for you! It's time to surround yourself with Godly friends. People who can pray instead of suggest. Individuals who flow with the Holy Ghost and not instincts. (Proverbs: 27:17 MSG- You use steel to sharpen steel, and one friend sharpens another.)
4)Quit putting your life on Facebook! Some things are just not meant to be shared. Everyone will not be able to understand what God is doing in your life but you bet, they will always have something to say. Be aware of the spirit of distraction. That spirit is always trying to trip you up. (1 John 4:11-Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God)
5)Shorts cuts are dangerous! (James 1:4 MSG- So don’t try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way.)
6)Don't invite others on the road that God has told you to walk. Everyone is not heading, where you are heading. (Matthew 7:14-But the gatew


  1. Sis...if ever I needed this message, it was NOW! Thank you...for I know if your words were a blessing to me, they will also be to someone else! Love you xoxoxoxo

  2. Amen!!! God is so good to us! So happy you were blessed!!

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