Scripture a day...keeps the devil away!

February 17, 2016
Father we come to you with praise on our lips. We come to you Thanking you for another day, another shot at getting it right. We repent for our sins and ask that you help us in areas we struggle in. We ask that you raise our conviction levels so that everything we do, say, and think is acceptable unto you. So that we do not find ourselves stuck in life but yet always moving forward; going from faith to faith and Glory to Glory.
God right now I personally ask that you meet the needs of your child praying with me right now. That you would extend your grace and your mercy over their life and the lives of their family & friends. I pray God that you  withhold no good thing from them. I pray for a renewed mind, a renewed spirit, and a renewed heart. I thank you that old things are passed away and behold-you are infact doing a NEW thing in their life. I pray father that they would only learn from the past but never look, return, or hold on  to it. I pray that you remind them, that their steps are ordered so you know the paths they take. Give them strength to walk towards the higher calling knowing it is you who is able to keep them from falling. I thank you Father for a Right Now: Moving Mountains Faith as they continue to hold on and trust in your Word. You take great pleasure when we seek you first. Things in our lives line up when we seek you first. Confusion, Doubt, Sickness, Envy, and Fear get ghost when we put you first. Your Words says that EVERYTHING will be added onto us - if we seek you first. So right now Daddy, I pray those praying with me today will get the greatest revelation ever released to  man...that We KEEP OUR EYES FIXED ON YOU and YOU alone. Every distraction is offically bound and casted into hell where it belongs. I thank you for whats coming to them, every blessing in advance. Thank you! Thank you for NEWNESS on today. Healings on today. Victories on today. Miracles on today. LOVE on today. Favor on today. Perfect Peace on today. Yes God!
You are OUR GOD and we belong to you and YOU alone. Nomatter what any one may say or think, you Lord know the truth about us. You know our weaknesses and our strengths. Unlike dont judge us. Thank you!! Thank you Abba for your loving nudge, helping us to get it right. You are Everything God! Let us be individuals you can count on. Continue to clean us up. Help us to keep our eyes fixed on you and all your righteouness.
We love you. We cant do it without you. We need you Lord. It's In Jesus Name we pray. AMEN

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