Satan the

Dear, you're not my friend...there's nothing dear about you...

Lookie here Lucifer,

It's no secret that you get on my nerves.  You tried it this week.  You really tried it but, I know all about you. You think you know me. You think you've got me figured out.  You try to come with your sneak attack in my mind. You try to stir up confusion in my household amongst my children. You try to bombard my marriage with your foolishness. You try to threaten my business with your talk of debts & law suits.  You try to discourage me from writing, from sharing the Word of God.  Key words in all of this...YOU TRIED. lol

I guess if I were you, I would try me too.  After all, according to Isaiah 61:1 (just in case you need to be reminded) The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. With that being said, I have my own revelation after your foolishness this week. The fact of the matter is, you are a true FLEXER!
I learned that word from my kids.  Back in the day, we called it as we seen it..."You Frontin' (that NY accent tho...ha ha) ."  But either way, you are such a joke!

Truth be told in 1 Peter 5:8, God already let us know what time it is with you. Helllloooooo-
"Be sober and watchful, because your adversary the devil walks around as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour." Another key word, 'AS' are not who you think you are! You will never have the last say in my life! (Proverbs 16:1)

I'll make this short and sweet (for me, that is).  You came to my establishment.  You come up in my office and you think you could just drop off some bull dookie on my desk, and then try to leave. Oh no no no, that's not how that goes.  You see fool, before I kicked you out...the Holy Spirit had reminded me that the vision has already been written. Though it tarries, I am patiently waiting on it because it is surely coming (Habakkuk 2:1-3).  I'm not a proud woman nor do I trust in myself. I am a just woman and the Word of God says, "the just shall live by faith." 

So while you flexing, trying to bully me; thinking you know what's in my hand. I bound that bully spirit up and casted it into the pits of hell where it belongs then I raised you one...

Thanks to your uninvited visit, I now have security in place.  Holy Warring Angels guarding over my establishment, all the possessions and people inside.  The Blood of Jesus Christ covers every square foot of that place.  The only way you will ever get in is if I let you in and baybey', I don't like demons so that won't eva happen!  The other thing I've done is put a new policy in place.  Yep, you may like this one-it's a direct slap in your face... lol. Every Monday at 10:00 am, all those working at Dream Team GC will meet for Corporate Prayer.  Isn't that great??!!! Okayyy, maybe not for you but that's what you get... you done messed around with the Holy Ghost Fire and got burned! Ha Ha Ha. Imagine, a company where you get paid to Pray! I love it!

So, thank you dummy.  Once again you have allowed evil to be turn into good...actually you don't even get the credit for that...God did that. My steps are ordered!

Dang, you even lamer than I thought.
Oh well, that's your issue.
Bye Dummy!


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