Scripture a day...keeps the devil away!

January 19, 2016
There is nothing like having the Favor of God!
Psalm 145:16
You open Your hand and satisfy me with favor.

Proverbs 16:15…His favor is as a cloud bringing spring rain.
Favor of God requires relationship with God. 
We all know that favor is having preference in situations, getting a parking space close to the store when you are tired, a line opening up in a store as you come to the register, excellent seats on airlines and in theaters. These are just worldly expressions of God’s favor over us. There is favor in the spirit. It is the wonderful access each of us has, if we take advantage of it, to sit in the front row with the Father. It is the preferential treatment of being God’s favorite child (we all are). Favor is expressed in so many ways. Those who seem to “get all the breaks” are people who love the Lord intensely and thoroughly enjoy being with him and sticking close to him. The good news is that each one of us, his children, can experience favor in our lives!

Tap into the favor that God is offering you today!
Favor opens doors that man tries to slams in your face...
Psalm 5:12The Lord surrounds the righteous with favor as with a shield. 
 Picture this: The Employer says, "you are not fit for the job..."  SHIELD GOES UP! ...but, we would like to offer you the position."

Who does not want to experience that in all areas of their lives???
To be surrounded with favor...that just blessed my soul!
Get close to God! Embrace righteousness.  Let this be the year you take your walk with Christ to a new level.  I promise you, you will not regret it!

If it is you who are desiring to do new things, change from old ways, reach for higher will need God's favor! You will need God!


Have a Favor-ful day!

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