Scripture a day keeps...the devil away!

January 12, 2016

Good Morning,
Proverbs 20:4 NLT
Those too lazy to plow in the right season will have no food at the harvest.
A couple messages in this small verse.
First: We have to be careful that our waiting does not turn into laziness.
Why are we waiting instead of making moves? We have so much talent. We are so gifted. God has given us the brain power and the anointing but yet, it still is not the right time. When will it ever be the right time? Are we waiting for God to come down from heaven riding on a cloud just to say, "Now, is the time my child." Ahhhhhh, you may want to rethink that! We have got to be a people filled with a NOW FAITH. Remember the scripture that says, the wealth of the wicked is laid up for the righteous (prov.13:22)? Then what are you waiting for!
God has given us the tools to succeed yet we don't have the faith to succeed. We wait and we wait and we wait and then we become lazy with moving forward. The fire dies and all of a sudden, we doubt our gifts and our talents.It becomes easier to just stay still.
Your main excuse is, "I'm waiting on God." When in actuality God is waiting on you!
Which brings me to the second point...
Second: You have to recognize the Seasons.
I say this often. You have to know what season you are in. People don't realize how truly important this concept is.  I base my life; my walk with God by this very principle.  Seasons tell you what you should be doing and how you should be doing it according to your spirit.  If I am in a season of overflow, I know that I will give more and I will save accordingly.  The perfect example of this is found in the book of Genesis. Remember God showed (signaled him with a dream) Joseph that there was a famine coming. Rather than waiting for the season of lack to hit and overtake him, he recognized his current season, and he acted with a NOW Faith to prepare for what was ahead. 
Too many of us are so busy busy busy doing what? We are so busy doing what we want to do instead of doing what God wants us to do.  We find comfort doing things on our terms, by our agendas rather than allow God to lead.  We are not in tune with God's Word, so therefore we are not in tune with the seasons.  We don't recognize when the shift takes place and we are left doing the wrong things at the wrong times.
Which leads to the final point from this scripture...
Third: Don't miss the Harvest.
When the Harvest comes, will you be able to partake or will you have to sit & watch while everyone else is eating and enjoying God's blessings. Will you be left thinking, I wish I did things differently?
Do not gamble with your Harvest!  Do not let others get fat off of what you should be gaining weight from (if that makes sense).
No more being lazy. Cultivate your NOW Faith.
Know and recognize the Seasons. Look forward to God's signal.
Do what it takes; work hard, so that you do not miss the Harvest.
As God use me to deliver the Word, I also receive the Word.
It's time for US, God's chosen priest hood to RISE by faith and live in green pastures.
God is waiting to do his part but, we have to do our part!
Have a great day.

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