The Longest Shortcut Ever!

Good Morning Love,

Why would I take the long route if there is a shorter route? Duh! That would be the dumbest thing to do, especially when my time is so important. Have you ever taken the longest shortcut ever? I know I have. Shortcuts are always short-sighted. They distract you from getting where you need to go. They distract you from God's promises and what he wants to do in your life.

Galatians 5:22-23 NKJV- But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law.

God will often put us in situations so that we can become mature in our faith. God knows when we take short cuts, we miss out on the opportunity to walk in the fruits of the spirit.

Longsuffering says: "I can do it. I won't give up."
Faithfulness says: "He has brought me this far, he won't give up on me."
Self Control says: ""Whatever it takes God. Your will not mine."
When the fire of life is turned up, sometimes it's just too hard to press. It seems impossible to endure. You've done the best you could and now you're just ready for things to work in your favor. You have heard enough encouragement. You have read enough scriptures. You have prayed, fasted, and waited. You have been at it so long, pressing, trying to wait on God but can't help to think that it was all for nothing.  Let's look at Abraham and Sarah who too, grew weary waiting on God.

God promised Sarah that she would have a baby. At 80-years-old, she made up her mind that God was taking too long and that she was getting too old to conceive. Imagine how she must have felt, not being able to give her husband a child especially knowing he desired one. Each day that passed she most likely felt more and more like a failure, a let down. Being a women, I would not be surprised if she felt unattractive, insecure, insufficient, etc. One thing is for sure, she became desperate. She told Abraham (her husband) to get her maid pregnant. Hagar, her maid was Egyptian and it was against their culture for men to be with Egyptian women or pagan women. Sarah had a plan; later for God's plan, forget his promise. I bet she thought she might have been saving her marriage. I mean after all, aren't we supposed to do whatever it takes to keep our marriage in tact? She decided to build her family through her slave. Sarah gave Hagar to her husband to be his wife. She requested and was ok with her man participating in adultery. Poor Abraham, understanding the feelings of his wife and what she was going through, weighed on his heart. Or, perhaps it was his own doubt, his own selfishness of wanting a child, his own tiredness of waiting on God. The fact that she was young and attractive must not have played a part. Nooo, not at all. From the moment Hagar conceived, waiting for God's promise wasn't that bad considering all the problems that they now had to face. Their shortcut caused problems that lasted for generations. (Read about it in Genesis 16)

The dangers of not being patient:

    • You'll find yourself acting out of character just to get your way. You become desperate which cause you to do silly things that you would never normally do. The spirit of desperation will cause you to become so distracted from God's plans. What you are feeling is more important than God's promise. It opens the door to "there's no other way."
    • You'll find yourself hurting people you love by doing foolish things. Getting people involved with your mess. Going against your beliefs and practices just so that you can have your way. Your greatest relationship is with God. Imagine if God gave up on you? How many times have you told God, "God-I won't do it anymore, if you please help me. I promise," knowing it won't be too long before you do it again. Why is it so hard for you to wait on God, when He always waits on you?
    • Sometimes in the midst of waiting we get sidetracked on what we are waiting for. I bet Sarah thought, God helps those who helps themselves. I know many Christians who use the scriptures out of context to do what they really want to do. If God has spoken, that is the final word. The moment we try to do things our way, it spells disaster! Find those scriptures that aligns with what God has promised. Do not twist his word to do things your way. You'll end up with: Mo' problems, Mo' problems and Mo' problems. Growing impatient always lead to you taking the longest shortcut ever! Save yourself the time, wait and trust God. If he said it, HE WILL DO IT.
Think back to a time when you waited long enough. What short cuts did you take? Where did it lead you and what did it cost you? The next time you feel frustrated in waiting, remember this scripture: James 1:4 NIV- Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.

Numbers 23:19 KJV-God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: has he said, and shall he not do it? or has he spoken, and shall he not make it good?

Genesis 28:15 NLT- What's more, I am with you, and I will protect you wherever you go... I will not leave you until I have finished giving you everything I have promised you."

Enjoy your day,
Baya...that Godly Diva


  1. Kinda like the Isrealites who were impatient and decided to make themselves new gods...their two week trip took 40 years...
    We have to learn on His perfect timing, I'm still learning...


    1. Hey Kathy!

      Yes, you said it! I'm still learning too... :)
